shocking discovery

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Canterlot city 4:15 pm

Section 17 northeast corridor with Damien walking along toward section 17 training ground with sketch pad in his hands for a moment until he heard a voice behind him.

"Hey, you!"

He stop to turn around to see luz another self from owl house universe 2 approach him while being joined by two section 23 armored scouts and she said to him with little bit strict, "you're from Navi squad in paldea region, right." Damian replied, "yes, I am. Damien Lee. Part time Section 44 detective. Are you going to section 17 training too as well." Luz said to him with polite, "yup." They decided go together toward section 17 training ground when they arrived to see four odm training equipment in middle of training ground with blue pads on the bottom with 4 rookies were strapped in and were lifed begin trying
balance on them while being watched by gecko kuro and the others sitting on benches and they began walking towards them.

Damien: "captain arlelt, sir."

They look at Damien, Luz, and two armored scouts already arrived at training ground when both flash and armin getting up on the benches walk down the bottom to them as Damien said to him, "we figure out that half-man and half-cyborg hybrid who killed Grace Yvonne." He handed him a sketch book on his palm so he open up to see drawing sketch of cyborg hybrid cause both of them in shocked to see their former friend, floch Forester.

Armin: "n-n-no way, it couldn't be."

Flash: "how even possible."

Other head of sections, mayor mare, gecko kuro, original luz, and captain eldian approach them and Leela said to them with confused, "what's wrong you two?" Both of them turned around at the group for Armin show the sketch to them who got scared expression on their faces, and Webby said in fear, "floch Forester, leader of jaegerists! He died from blood loss by mikasa odm gear hook and getting crushed by the rumbling." Lisa replied, "but how he's alive lately." Gecko pretend in shocked to see his cyborg Henchman on the sketch paper make other luz very suspicious when captain eldian said in anger, "that cyborg bastard is responsible to kill grace and fletching, then take Serena away with another one."  Leela said, "we should make most wanted sign of floch Forester and just place it in other universes until then."  Everyone begin agreed with her to make most wanted sign with floch Forester picture and  name and place it in other universes, then captain arlelt look back at Damien Lee with a smile and said, "thank you Mr. Lee for sketching our mystery killer. Good job."

Damien: "you're welcome captain, what about your other friends then."

Captain arlelt: "I'll send them to navi squad base in paldea region at 11:45 am."

Captain Sentry: "good thinking buddy."

Captain venderquack: "not bad."

Mr. Kuro: "delighted idea my dear boy to hunt that menace floch Forester and mysterious partner of his for killing ms. Yvonne, fletching, and rhyhorn."

Flash look at captain eldian with a smile on his face, "take a three weeks off from working, eld because you deserve it." Eld ginn take his mask off to reveal his identity to reveal his blond buzz cut hair and said to him, "thank you so much, sir but who will take my place at paldea region."

Captain sentry: "meta knight along with sword & blade."

Eld: "excellent."

Captain arlelt: "you guys wanna join us to watch odm gear training."

Damien: "of course sir."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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