first day of academy

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Uva academy at 9:15 am, inside of Mr. Jacq homeroom with students sitting in their seats and staring down at mr. Jacq behind the podium.

Students: "good morning mr. Jacq!"

Jacq: "hello, hello, everyone. We have some exciting news this morning. Who wants to hear it.

One of students sitting right next to another student in the last row and said with polite, "ooh! Oooh! Me! I want to hear the news! He smiled and said, "i suppose I should have told you sooner. But we have a new friend joining our happy homeroom as for today." They're whisper among themselves about new students is coming to their homeroom except for nemona because she knows until mr. Jacq look at the door, "alright, you can come on in." Zeke on cue begin open the door little bit wide to enter the classroom toward the podium and stop right next to Mr. Jacq, he staring at the class.

Mr. Jacq: "could! I trouble for you a few words introducing yourself."

Zeke: "sure, let me introduce myself, I'm Zeke yeager, me and my parents moved artazon town from Marley, liberio in former my universe, I'm kinda adventurous and fully friendly

Mr. Jacq: " That's amazing Zeke."

He look at his students with little bit of eager on their faces and said to Zeke, "look like everyone's eager to get to know you, zeke. Alright, then who wants to be the first to ask our new friend with a question." One of students raised her hand up sitting in a seat at left front row to ask Zeke a question, "what kind of two pokemon you got since you and your family arrived, Zeke."

Mr. Jacq: "that's a good question there."

Zeke: "I got drillbur and mienshoa."

Mr. Jacq: "two rare pokemon in paldea region, not bad at all."

Female student: "where you got them anyway."

Zeke: "I got them at section 17 underneath the whole canterlot city, it own by captain flash sentry."

Female student: "the flash sentry, the legendary heroes of universes and was work with captain black in section 13 in his universe as right hand man. You and your parents friends with him and the heads of section."

Zeke: "yup and I want to be strong pokemon trainer too as well."

Nemona: "(thought) just like me, Atta boy, little dude."

Mr. Jacq: "that's amazing, there any questions for Zeke."

One of them raised their hands at right end row, it's a boy and said, "you can show your two rare pokemon at schoolyard during after school after all you and your parents are cool being friends with legendary heroes of universes."Every students nodded their heads to agree with him and Zeke said to them with polite, "sure why not." Mr. Jacq look at him with kindness and said, "well, thank you for telling us a bit about yourself, Zeke, besides I want to see your two rare pokemon too as well. Anyway I'm Mr. Jacq. I teach biology here at academy, and I'm also your homeroom teacher."

Zeke: "neat."

He look back at his students again to see empty seat at second row from the front and said, "that's your seat. Second row from the front." He nodded his head and begin walking to his seat in second row from the front, he took off his backpack and place it right next to desk, he begin sitting down into his seat with the girl right next him.

Mr. Jacq: "alright, you ragamuffins. Be nice and friendly to our new classmate as a normal student and little bit sotra celebrity. Sorry Zeke."

Zeke sly smile: "that's alright, Mr. Jacq."

The class: "yes Mr. Jacq."

Mr. Jacq: "oh Zeke, I forgot to mention, nemona take you a half tour the whole academy during class over."

Zeke: "sure."

Nemona look back at Zeke with friendly expression, she give thumb up to her first friend and so did Zeke too.

Levinica city at 9:30 am

Inside of delibird presents with derpy, meowth, denki, dinky, and cinnamon stick looking around in the store for a moment until they heard store door bell ring like someone enter the store to reveal Xander just walk up to them with scared expression, "guys, I got talk with Solon an earlier ago and she said, "there will be more hengemen show up here in anytime soon because Zeke and his friend defeat 11 hengemen at front gate in the city."

Delibird present owner: "oh dear, that's doesn't sound good at all my friend."

Denki: "don't worry sir, we handle them like always."

Dinky: "yup."

[New chapter is out for today]

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