terastallize pokemon battle

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Both Paul and Zeke standing on both corners in schoolyard battlefield with their pokemon who's behind them at 5 feet away while being watched by everyone.

Sarah give out joyful giggles to watch her first terastallize pokemon battle ever that make her adopted mother happy and said, "are you excited to watch your uncle Paul battle against Zeke in terastallize pokemon battle huh, sweetie." Both raised their Tera orbs up begins power up and said together, "terastallize!" They throw their Tera orb at their pokemon from above their hands begins power up again to rose tera shards up to absorb their pokemon in a second and broke into pieces to reveal terastallize pokemon with ice and fire tera crowns on top of their heads that surprise torterra and iron hands.

Nenoma: "you two like it, huh."

Paul: "use ice beam!"

Zeke: "use ember!"

Both of attacks straight to each other made collision with small amount of explosion in a second when the smoke cleared.

Paul: "good job, Zeke."

Zeke sly grin: "thanks Paul. Okay buddy use tackle."

Fuecoco use tackle on electrike quick to deliver little bit medium damage and went back behind Zeke again and Paul command another attack, "use ice shards!" He fire ice shards toward fuecoco until Zeke called out with counter attack, "Tera blast!"

Paul: "say what?!?"

Fuecoco fire Tera blast from his Tera crown straight through ice shards toward electrike with a hit cause heavy critical damage cause shield shattered and electrike fainted and including shield shattered make fuecoco return to normal when both tera orbs went back on palm of the hands, he look at Zeke with a smile.

Paul: (thought) he remind me of ash back in sinnoh from my universe."

They sent their pokemon back into their pokeball and walk up to each other with a smile then paul said with polite, "great pokemon battle Zeke, let's go again next time but I won't easy on you." Zeke replied, "you got it paul." Dictator Clavell and Dawn cerise walk up to them with a smiles than dictator Clavell said, "good job you two on terastallize pokemon battle ever and you two charge your Tera orbs at outside pokemon center in the city."

Paul: "you got outside pokemon center in paldea region."

Dawn: "that's right kiddo, all over paldea region

Paul little bit excited with huge wide eyes and huge grin on his face, "this is so cool, outside pokemon center in all over paldea region in this original universe."

Levinica city at 11:55 am: levinica city plaza hotel, Gasser and denki hotel room

Rabbot playing still poker with the pokemon at around table in the living room and got female oshawott sitting in the couch watching tv but she still bored and leap up on top of couch to look at the others.

Oshawott: "oshwaott, oshwaott (translate: brother, I'm bored just nothing to do except watching TV)."

Dewott: "dewott, dewott, dewott (translate: I know kiddo just watched TV alright after we get done)."

Meowth: "meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow (translate: there's 2nd issue adventure of white ninja comic book inside my small travel bag that I got from market since before yesterday that you can read. It's at leaning against behind the wall next to the door."

Oshwaott: "osh (translate: cool)."

South Park universe 1 at 12:15 pm

Springfield elementary hallway with Stan and his friends walking through the hallway toward mr. Garrison class for a moment until they stop to see gastly in front of them to deliver a lick on cartman becomes unconscious on the floor from that lick from gastly who's just disappeared.

Kyle smile: "this is my best day ever."

Then Mr. Mackey show up behind them to see unconscious cartman on the floor and said to them, "what happened boys, McKay." Stan replied, "this gastly creature appears of nowhere to give a lick on cartman become unconscious just collapsed on the floor when that creature disappeared."

Mr. Mackey: "oh dear."

[New chapter is out for today]

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