jacq field trip part 3

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The group arrived at gigantamax mission control room that's surprised students and Mr. Jacq a minute when rainbow blitz begin to explain, "this is gigantamax mission control room, if gigantamax energy show up in other universes to absorb any type pokemon turned into gigantamax pokemon that we send best people and Digimon begin transformation into ultimate Digimon with dna digivolve and taking down gigantamax pokemon with three times and return back to normal."

Mr. Jacq: "that's amazing I hope we see dna digivolve sometimes if gigantamax pokemon show up at paldea region."

Rainbow: "you might mr. Jacq."

"What's up fool."

They turned around to see killer bee, eren jagear, treecko, quilldain, and wildcat enter gigantamax mission control room, then zeke said to them with surprise, "hey guys."

Eren: "hey little man."

Killer bee: "🎵 yo little Yeager, I heard about you going to treasure hunt on Wednesday September 4th, right because it going to tight. Fool ya fool."

Zeke: "you know it bee."

He look at everyone and introduced to the trio to them, "this is mr. Jagear from aot universe 2. He's scout/wild tera pokemon catcher/and titan shifter, killer bee the host of eight tails from cloud village, and wildcat." Killer bee begin rapping of kindness, "🎵 nice meet you all from paldea region in person this time. Fool ya fools and I already know ice and kind nemona after all." Nemona replied, "you know it octo pop." Then treecko walk up to Shane and so did quilladin to zeke.

Zeke: "I'll take this little buddy to Layla green when we get back at academy."

Wildcat: "good idea kid."

Captain sentry office

Gecko shaking hands with captain sentry when nick fury walk up to Atticus and stop, begin to speak with kindness, "thank you for spying on Ms. Yvonne at Vermillion city school in pokemon universe 3 and good thing too for captain venderquack hire you."Atticus replied, "no problem sir, I'm ninja without been seen after all."

Captain sentry: "me and my friend send your six gifts inside of your own quarter at navi squad base."

Atticus: "of course captain."

Ymir walk up right next to sara storm with sly grin on her face and said to sara quietly, "your boyfriend there is best section 44 spy ever." Sara got light blush on her cheeks and said quietly too "he's not my boyfriend. Just a friend that's all."

Captain sentry: "you should came back again for the cadets doing odm training at training ground."

Gecko: "of course my dear boy."

[New chapter is out for today]

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