poco path battle

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7:27 am at poco path

Both of nenoma and Zeke arrived halfway of poco path for her helping Zeke to capture another pokemon before heading to academy.

Nenoma: "alright! This here is poco path."

They turn around at the path to see wild pokemon all over as nenoma begin to speak again, "it's the path that leads to adventure for you and me! Out here, things are different then in town. You're gonna see wild pokemon out and about. They'll be on the path and in the grass and such!" She turned around at Zeke with a smile, "get too close to one, you'll have to battle with every pokemon that you want."

Zeke: "cool."

Then suddenly wild lechonk come out of nowhere from bushes begin eating the grass in few feet away in front of them as they turned around to see it.

Nenoma: "wow, what luck!"

Zeke: "I'm gonna catch it."

She nodded her head and went left side of path begin watching Zeke battle against lechonk as pulled out pokeball and toss it in the air, "mienshao, I need your assistance." It released mienshao from pokeball appear behind zeke at 3 feet having battle against wild lechonk when going to use tackle on her.

Zeke: "use repluse the monkey!"

Nenoma: "another new kung fu move!"

She due front flip kick on lechonk with monkey sound effect cause critical heavy damage when it collapse on the grass when Zeke got empty poke in his hand begin threw it at unconscious lechonk, "go pokeball." It capture lechonk while floating in mid-air to went inside begin close up by itself and drop on the grass gently begin it capture lechonk inside without struggling, he approach it to grab with his hand, as nenoma walk up to them with excitement expression on her face, "hala, that was awesome!  You caught another wild pokemon you went for! Now go battle those wild pokemon and catch some of' em or one I don't mind at all."

Zeke: "sounds good to me. Right mienshoa."

Mienshoa: "mienshoa."

Nemona: "great, let's meet back up at lighthouse over there! You can see the school from the top."

Zeke: "got it."

Pokemon universe 3 at 3:15 pm

Every students exit school entrance heading home including goh turned right heading home but can't thinking about Serena who still scared of her and new strangers for a second until he stop to see two people at few feet away just talking with man show the picture when man turned right to see goh and point his finger at him show two men, they spotted him and begin walking toward him.

Reiner: "hey there sport, me and my friend want to talk you about something."

Colt: "don't worry we're not going to hurt  you."

He became scared of them began backing up bit and turn around begin running away so both colt and Reiner decided to run too and chasing goh.

Reiner: "come back here you little brat."

Goh: "leave me alone."

Colt: "we wanna talk with you that's all."

Goh: "NO!"

Reiner: "Daredevil! Stop him."

He noticed Daredevil in a second miles who blocked his path but he due front flip above him and made prefect landing on his feet, he continue running being chase by the trio and made turn right of sidewalk so they did too but goh need a plan quick for them and spotted three stacks boxes of books for the book store at right side when he arrives at right side of boxes begin pulled them down at
Once with his hand cause the boxes slammed on the sidewalk causes many books coming out with store owner come out to see all the books over all, he turned right to see goh from 9 feet away with breatherand begin angry, "why you little punk! When I get hands on you what you did to my books." The trio stopped to see piles of books blocked their path and spotted goh who give them double finger with sly grin on his face as he turned around begin running away from them.

Reiner: "damn it! He got away."

Colt: "we get him somewhere in school tomorrow. Let go help book shop owner out with his books before heading back to HQ."

Daredevil: "good point my friend."

The trio walk up to piles of books begin helping the book owner to gather the books as they can while being watched by Serena inside the dark from other side of street got sly grin on her face and turned around begin walking away inside the alley for a second and disappeared in a flash.

[New chapter is out for today]

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