forrest surprise

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Pokemon universe 3 at 7:15 am

Pewter city, Kanto region; Harrison residence

Both of Samuel and daz standing in front of the Harrison door with Samuel knocking on the door twice in few seconds and stop to heard someone from inside the house approach the door begin unlock it and open forward really wide to reveal Forrest Harrison.

Forrest: "hi detective Jackson, hi detective daz."

Samuel smile: "buddy I got your first pladean rock type pokemon, it's gargancal."

He pulled out pokeball from his dark green cargo right pocket and place on Forrest left palm who's very surprised got pladean rock type pokemon as his pokemon and look up at the detectives with a smile, "thank you so much, detective." Samuel replied, "anytime sport."

Kanto school in Vermillion city at 7:20 am.

In the main office with male staff behind reception desk  looking screens from camera inside the school in few seconds then he caught something at school northeast corridor it's look like 8 yrs old girl standing in middle of the hallway when she turned around to reveal Bonnie with huge slash on her neck with blood coming to look up at camera with black hallow eyes.

Male staff: "what the hell?"

He continues staring at Bonnie from the screen in a four seconds when screen goes static for a second and the screen return to normal and he grab telephone from landline to place it on right ear begins dial the numbers by someone and hearing response dialing in few minutes and someone pick up the phone.


Male staff: "captain venderquack send your two detectives here soon as possible quick."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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