(section 17) training lesson #7: ranger blaster practice

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Section 17 at 4:25 pm in the shooting range with Lincoln, first base, and sweetie belle in their ranger former standing behind the counter having shooting practice on woods target of power Rangers past monster for a moment until rosewood press red button on the wall to come three wooden targets of voltmeister, clockster, and mad Mike the pizza chef.

Rosewood: "now begin."

They pulled out ranger blasters begin fired three wooden target to hit middle of the target.

Rosewood little bit polite: "very good guys. Remember hitting middle of the target alright."

The trio: "yes ma'am."

They fire at the target again and hitting middle of the target that's surprised rosewood and said, "good job guys, here's come another wooden targets, this time it's flying monsters." Medium open hatch at back right corner to come out polluticorn, sucker, and guitrado begin moving other side of range until three of them begin firing at them in the middle of the target that surprise rosewood a bit.

"How they doing right now."

Rosewood turned around to see captain sentry, vice principal luna, miette, amity blight, and flare warden enter the shooting range and she said to him with kindness, "they're doing great, captain. What they doing after this."

Captain sentry: "carried small boxes of hair Dryer and everything inside and take it to gadget and weapons department that's all."

Rosewood: "yes sir."

Scootaloo come out from girl restroom heading back to training ground with the others to train again for a moment until she heard a voice behind her.

"Hey scootaloo."

She then turned around to see Batman sidekick, 10 yrs old Tim Drake aka Robin who walk up to her with a smile on his face.

Robin: "I heard from captain sentry about you looking two team members for your team, canterlot defenders

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Robin: "I heard from captain sentry about you looking two team members for your team, canterlot defenders. Correct."

Scootaloo: "yup."

Robin: "can I join your team, scoots."

Scootaloo: "of course dude, welcome to the team."

Robin: "sweet, there any bad guys coming out tonight from other universes."

Scootaloo: "no maybe Tuesday midnight, that's okay with you."

Robin: "sure."

Section 23 northeast corridor with Kate Patricia walking towards supplies room to check everything in order and stop of surprise to see section 23 Admiral of air Erwin cruiser Dawn ceries and her rookie agent paul walk up to her.

Dawn: "what's your name cadet."

Kate: "Kate Patricia, ma'am."

Dawn: "I heard from captain arlelt about you want to do super fist for first time."

Kate: "yes ma'am."

Dawn: "I teach you at uva academy schoolyard tomorrow at 11:30 am in original pokemon universe."

Kate: "thank you ma'am."

Dawn: "what kind of school subjects you like."

Kate: "I'm really good at chemistry in professor stone chemistry class in 4th period."

Dawn: "great."

[New chapter is out for today]

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