visit by uncles and aunt

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Mesagoza city, paldea region on Thursday August 24th, 2022-uva academy at 8:15 am: entrance hall

Zeke walking down the stairs to entrance hall become surprised see his two uncles, his aunt, and litten who's talking with dictator.

Ardan wearing regular blue sleeve shirt, light brown cargo shorts, regular shoes, and his hair into long ponytail from the back. Erwin wearing white polo shirt, red plaid shorts with black leather belt around it, and white socks inside regular shoes. Zoe hange wearing lime green shirt into a first knot, demin shorts, short white socks inside red high top sneakers, lavender choker around her neck, two different type of earrings in left ear, and hair into short ponytail. When they noticed Zeke approach them from the stairs with huge smile on his face.

Ardan: "hey buddy how are you been."

Zeke: "I'm doing great uncle."

Ardan: "good."

Zeke: "I'll take you guy's a tour inside of the academy and explore the city."

Zoe: "sounds good my sweet nephew, oh uncle Berner is not coming today because he's really busy at section 23 titan pokemon control room and don't worry he be here at 4:30 pm

Zeke smile: "sound great aunt hange."

Litten turned around to see arven walking down the stairs with nemona in right side of entrance hall and begin running them in a second then take a leap into arven arms with little off-guard that surprise him bit and said, "hi there little guy." Both of them walk up to them and nenoma said to Zeke with surprise, "this is your uncles and aunt, little dude."

Zeke: "yup."

Nenoma: "I'm nenoma, the student council president of uva academy/pokemon trainer/last year paldea pokemon champion, and first friend of Zeke."

Arven: "I'm arven, the student of uva academy and 2nd friend of Zeke too. It's very nice meet you three for first time in paldea region."

Erwin: "you too kid and I see litten liking you so much."

Zoe: "you should keep it."

Arven: "sure I love to keep this rare pokemon as my 2nd pokemon team."

Levincia city at 8:16 am: nicoolo and Sasha luxury hotel room

Gabi, rabbot, yamper, fletching, Falco sitting in round couch just watching TV together for a moment until Gabi rotom phone flew up the nighstand begin floating in front of Gabi face in 3 feet begin video phone ringing with mikasas Ackerman so she pressed answer button make the screen pop out to reveal mikasas Ackerman in captain Levi office with Louise, captain Levi, and section commander Zoe hange.

Mikasas: "good morning squirt, morning guys."

Gabi: "morning ms. Ackerman."

Falco: "hey."

Yamper: "yamper."

Fletching: "fletching."

Rabbot give them friendly wave for a replied.

Mikasa: "what's your plan for today."

Gabi: "staying in the hotel room all day except for Ms. Braus and nicoolo because they're going to restaurant as their 6th date at 5:40 PM, but don't worry Mr. Forster and kaede will babysit us while they're out."

Lousie: "that's great sweetie, what about your rabbot friend right there."

Falco: "he's playing poker with meowth, dinky pawmi, paldean wooper, frogadier, and dewott in denki and Gasser room at 11:51 am."

Section commander Zoe hange: "not bad."

Medium size beach close to arazton town with 3 water types pokemon relaxing on the beach while being guarded sunchaser 2.0 for a moment until ampharos walking down the hill while carrying wooden bowl with different types of fruit and being accompanied by stantler and hawlucha

Stantler: "stantler."

They spotted of surprise to see their friends approach them with bowl of fruits for breakfast.

Pokemon universe 2 at 9:45 am

Solaceon town pokemon center with ash and his friends exit toward solaceon town contest hall and noticed to see e. Aster bunnymund and Jessica w in section 17 jumpsuit with dark orange lines in front of them at 3 feet away.

Bunnymund: "g'day mates, can we join you watch pokemon contest."

Dawn: "of course guys."

Kenny: "wow, you guys got strange and nice friends, I ever saw. No offense."

Bunnymund: "none taken mate."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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