mallow learne bio

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Name: mallow learne (original Pokemon universe)

Name: mallow learne (original Pokemon universe)

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Age: 26

Sexuality: bisexual

Gender: female

Hometown: hau'oil city

Region: alola

Relationship: married to Lillie learne

Likes: cleaning, work out, spend time with Pokemon, family, and friends, and save the universes."

Dislike: "titan Pokemon, gigantamax
Pokemon, and villains.


• ultra guardian

• husband/wife

•  wild tera Pokemon catcher

• section 23 serect agent

•  dna Digiolve partner

• Pokemon school student (formerly)


• cleaning

• judo

• Parkour

• working out

• cooking

Mallow 8 Pokemon

1. Tsareena

2. Steelix

3. Sealeo (wild tera Pokemon)

4. Combee

5. Leavanny

6. Wiglett (wild tera Pokemon)

7. Combusken

cmc high school adventures (remakes) part 2Where stories live. Discover now