(section 23) dna digivolve lesson #3: water types transformed

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Owl house universe 2 at 4:00 pm

Bonesborough lake side with becky, surfimon, Eric Woods, and ebidramon are line straight to face forward at coven leader eda clawthorne and two coven guards while being watched by au Luz noceda, tygra, section commander Erwin Smith, and Lord kazekage

Eda: "next dna digivolve lesson #3 is dna digiolove with aquatic Digimon to fight off against gigiantamax and titan water type pokemon underneath the ocean or lake from other universes."

Coven guard #1: "who's want go first due dna digiolve transformation."

Becky polite: "me and surfimon go first."

Eda: "splendid kiddo, go ahead."

Becky: "ready."

Surfimon: "ready, dudette."

An red digital circle above them at 9 inches away when both surfimon and Becky begins to glow blue and golden aura inside of them.

Surfimon: "surfimon!"

Becky: "Becky!"

They flew up in the sky toward the circle with little bit of twirling while saying each other, "dna digiolve to." They went through circle with bright light really shine in few seconds and light faded away to reveal new forms of Becky and surfimon is the same surfimon in female form with dark blue with several yellow spikes become sharp and horn on the tip of its nose of the same color. On her forehead and chest she has garnet purple gems. She is arm with future cannons that she has on her arms. She got greatwhite shark-shaped hover board, has laser cannons on the front. She begins to speak with Becky and surfimon, "rizesurfimon!"

Tygra: "that's surfimon ultimate level, it's rizesurfimon. Not bad."

Lord kazekage: "indeed."

"Lord kazekage!"

They turn around to see twenty two sand abu appear in front of them at 4 feet and Lord kazekage said to them, "protect bonesbough with several scouts, ten armor section 23 agents, and kaito kumon  if Hengemen and unknown battle drones show up, Understand. Oh Luz noceda will be charged for you all."

Twenty two sand abu: "yes sir."

Eda: "you two are next."

Eric woods: "yes ma'am."

Eda: "what's your name, cadet."

Eric woods: "Eric wood from canterlot city, ma'am."

Eda: "good, it's dna digiolve time."

Eric/ebidramon: "yes ma'am."

Both of them begins to glow light green and bright red inside of them.

Eric: "Eric woods!"

Ebidramon: "ebidramon!"

They flew up in the sky toward circle with little bit of twirling each other, "dna digiolve to.." They went through the circle with shine really bright for a second and faded away to reveal new form of Eric woods and ebidramon is cyborg king crab like crustacean with cybernetic sharp claws as left claw, missiles hatched on the stomach, red tattered wings on harden red shell back, metallaic triceratops-like helmet on its head. He sizes like greymon and begins to speak with ebidramon and Eric woods, "metalkingcrabmon!"

Eda: "holy titan, that's crazy dna digiolve form ever."

Rizesurfimon: "that's radical dude."

Tygra: "ebidramon ultimate level, metalkingcrabmon. Pretty impassive."

Erwin: "yeah."

Eda: "good work you two, by tomorrow you can test your new transformation moves on five aquatic robotic training dummies. Sounds good."

Metalkingcrabmon/rizegururumon: "yes ma'am."

Original pokemon universe

Pallet town, kanto region at 3:46 pm: mr and mrs. Ketchum resistance.

In the living room with Serena sitting in the couch with 23 yrs old misty sketchit got sliver wedding ring in left ring finger having tea together a for a moment until ash open front door enter the house with happiness and tired expression being join by Tracey sketchit who's closed the door behind them.

Serena: "hey dear, you came home early."

Ash: "mr. Johnson give me dayoff tomorrow through Tuesday."

Pikachu: "pika."

Tracey: "and he decided taking day off from his handyman duty on Saturday and Sunday too."

Serena: "that's great honey, you need some rest sometimes besides captain sentry want to recruit you in 4 months so bad as part time serect agent like me."

Ash: "sure I'll do it."

Misty: "congratulations you stubborn knucklehead, we're proud of you."

Tracey: "yup."

Serena: "good, tomorrow you going with me to section 17 tell captain sentry about it."

Ash: "wonderful idea honey."

[New chapter is out for today]

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