interrogation #3: goh

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Pokemon universe 3

Vermilion city school at 7:55 am

Inside the homeroom with everyone working on their worksheets in their desk until the intercom speaker on top wall above slide front door begin turned by a princess who to speak in the microphone inside his office, "goh, come to my office please, I need to talk with you." After he turned off the speaker caused students give silent laugh when goh get up on desk begin walking through the desks toward the slide door, he slide it halfway to enter the hallway and closed slide it after that, he begin walking in the hallway heading to principal office.

Serena: "(thought) ohhh, someone in trouble with the principal."

Goh arrived at principal office begin open the door halfway forward to see principal sitting at his desk with sly grin on his face when goh closed the door behind him without looking quietly didn't notice colt standing behind the wall this whole time as his fist up to aim at goh back of neck with tranquilizer ring in right ring finger, he's along with Reiner left next to him

Goh: "you wanna see me sir?"

Principal: "yes, goh I need you something."

Goh then felt sharp pain of back of his neck cause him dizzy and see his principal very blurry who give him friendly goodbye at him in a second until his eyes closed and almost collapse on floor but Reiner saved him just in time while hold back of uniform collar and place him on right shoulder into his stomach.

Colt: "thanks for the help, sir."

Principal: "anytime my boy and I send my staff get his stuff at his homeroom and bring it here for one of you get it."

Reiner: "I'll do it."

Principal: "great."

When Reiner press button on transport wrist communitcator transport themselves back to their universe, principal give surprised chuckle to help them out set up a trap for goh.

Aot universe 5 at 7:25 am

Goh open his eyes from unconscious to staring down at wooden floor for a second and heard a voice, "good morning there sleepy head." He rise his head up to look up at someone until he got shocked expression on his face to see two guys who chased him since yesterday in the room with girl, unknown Pokemon, ash Pikachu, several people, and tiny robot very resemble to delibird in the room with them, but he felt his chest tightly for no reason begin to struggle.

"Nice try partner."

He turned right to look down to see strange green dog like a Pokemon who staring at him and begin to speak with western accent "mah tail got you like a calf running away from cowboy." He look down to see green tail wrapped around him it connected to the creature for a second and look up at them in anger, "what the hell are you guys!" Reiner walk up to him bit and stop in front of him at 3 feet, he crotch down to goh face level and said, "you remember us chasing you down through the sidewalk and escape us after that."

Goh: "you guys want talk to me with no reason, asshole."

Reiner sigh to reach out something inside his pocket and pull out his section 44 detective badge in front of goh face, "we're section 44 detective, genius." He didn't know about him and colt are detectives as he get up and walk back to front of desk begin sitting bit in edge of it.

Pieck: "okay kid, listen up we need talk to you about ash and Serena relationship that's all. So talk."

Goh: "okay, they're relationship really good when they move to apartment in Vermillion city in 3 months ago and Serena enrolled school that me and Chloe went."

Pieck: "really. Then happened next."

Goh: "at nightime at Serena and ash apartment closed, she killed that girl I love right in the back with knife at right in front of me who became scared to see Serena stare at me with emotionless stare was about to kill me so me and eevee run away in fear after that."

Colt: "that's okay it's right thing to do that."

Pieck: "did you see Serena at your school since yesterday."

Goh: "yes she back because my teacher and other class haven't seen her in a week."

Reiner little bit surprised, "she's back at Vermilion city yesterday." Goh replied, "yes, she told us about she being sick for a week and her mom doesn't the phone because she really busy and grumpy at work." Pieck shook of disappointed about Serena lie story and said to him, "her story isn't a true at all, kiddo. Since last month of Thursday during midnight, her mom got killed by half human and half cyborg including her fletching cold blood but he wasn't alone there someone from outside to kill rhyhorn in sleep, then after that they took her without a trace to went somewhere and including someone invaded ash Ketchum House to see kill his mom and Mr. Mime while his professional and sneaky burglar use futurtatsic gun transport his all the stuff went somewhere before ravess kidnapped him at the airport."

Goh is shocked in anger about a lady named ravees kidnapped him at the airport part but he won't tell them about he went other universe like this to rescue his friend from Serena who played a trick him after that, he look at them with confused, "what you all going with Serena then ask her about whereabouts."

Pieck: "no, she still going to school over there with you to leave out suspicious from everyone at the school for further notice. Alright."

Goh: "yes ma'am."

Marleyan general #1: "son, how do you like to join section 44 as part time serect agent."

Goh: "of course. "

Tail terrier release his tail to let him go who begin getting up on his chair when one of marleyan general walk up to him who offered handshake so he did for a second and let go after that.

Pieck: "welcome to section 44, goh."

Goh: "thank you ma'am."

Colt: "you wanna take a tour at section 44 while Reiner get your stuff from principal office and don't worry, he tell your homeroom teacher about you doesn't feel good and go home, while you hanging out with us at section 44 when school over then you come home. Sound good.

Goh: "yes sir."

3 different and 2 original universes timeline

Aot universe 5 -7:25 am

Pokemon universe 3-7:55 am

Original Pokemon universe -10:34 pm

Pokemon universe 2 -3:55 pm

Flash sentry original universe -9:55 pm

[New chapter is out for today

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