pokemon tag battle

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Mesagoza city at 2:30 pm

At mesagoza battlefield with zeke and rosa left side of battlefield having stare down at nenoma and fair skinned young woman with short length brown Hazel curly hair and pink velvet eyes. She wearing uva academy uniform like them and 10 yrs old. She began speak at Zeke with polite "you're zeke Yeager who got two rare pokemon that everyone been talking about at academy."

Zeke: "yup."

Girl: "I'm Layla green from medali city in area three, west province. Anyway let battle."

Zeke grabbed his pokeball on palm of his hand got sly grin on his face, "you got it Layla." He tossed his pokeball in the air, "go meinshao, I need your assistance."

Rosa: "sparky, come out my sweet."

Nenoma: "go sprigatito

Layla: " Let's go breloom!"

They released their pokemon to the battlefield while being by leatherhead, Danny phantom, several citizens at right side of battlefield in few feet away when Danny said to them, "begin."

Layla: "use focus punch on meinshao."

Nenoma: "use leafage on Sparky."

Rosa: "protect, quick!"

Zeke: "repulse the monkey!"

Sparky use protect from sprigatito leafage and meinshao delivered breloom with repulse the monkey by upperjaw with monkey sound affect to cause medium critical damage that surprise Layla.

Layla: "that's repulse the monkey, not bad at all."

Zeke: "thanks Layla. Now meinshao use mantis kick on breloom."

Rosa: "pin missile."

Meinshao run straight to breloom with mantis kick until Layla called out counter attack, "dynamic punch!" He delivered dynamic punch in the stomach cause medium critical damage caused meinshao falling back bit and stop who get down with one knee when Sparky pin missile to hit sprigatito with little bit of damage.

Rosa worried: "zekey, your pokemon."

Zeke: "that's alright, she handle it."

Layla: "not for all, little dude. Use drain punch."

Zeke: "use sharpedo bites bottom feeder!"

Rosa: "use thunerbolt."

Meinshao use sharpedo bites bottom feeder on breloom and Sparky use thunerbolt on sprigatito with heavy critical damage and both of them collapsed on the floor became unconscious that surprise everyone in the city and begin to cheer after that.

Danny: " Breloom and sprigatito are unable to battle. Winners are Sparky and meinshao. The victors are Zeke Yeager and Rosa Paige."

Both Zeke and Rosa give high five to each other for victory against nenoma and Layla green in a tag battle for first time when they walk up to them after returning their pokemon inside the pokeball and Layla said to them with surprise, "nice pokemon battle, guys and including you little dude to tell meinshao use sharpedo bites bottom feeder on my breloom, not bad at all."

Zeke: "aww thanks, I got meinshao and Excadrill from section 17 since last Friday."

Layla: "nice, little buddy and you wanna be friends."

Zeke: "you know it Layla."

Layla: "awesome, oh you get me rare two pokemon at section 17 on Friday."

Zeke: "sure, what kind type of pokemon."

Layla: "surprise me."

Zeke: "sounds good to me."

Both of leatherhead and Danny phantom walk up to them as Danny said, "you two go to outside pokemon center heal your pokemon quick and head back to academy before start raining." Nenoma replied, "yes mr. Phantom."

Navi squad base with atticus doing meditation on top of navi squad garage roof for a second and notice someone behind him.

Atticus: "what do you want captain venderquack?"

Captain venderquack standing behind him at 5 feet away got smile on her face and said, "you need spy on Serena Yvonne at kanto school tomorrow in two days without being seen by teachers and students from pokemon universe 3. Be there at 7:30 am." Atticus without looking back at her and said with kindness, "of course captain I'll honor to do that."

Captain venderquack: "good."

Flash sentry original universe in las Pegasus at 2:55 pm: apple bloom and diamond tiara VIP hotel room.

Apple Bloom and diamond tiara sitting in the couch watching TV together for a while before heading their date in las Pegasus.

Diamond tiara: "let's go nowhere and stay our room the whole day tomorrow."

Apple bloom: "good idea doll. You wanna some milk."

Diamond tiara smug: "sure baby, let get us some glasses in the kitchen."

She getting up on the couch toward kitchen get some two glasses as apple bloom taking off her red velvet off shoulder shirt to let her e-cup breasts bounce freely and went right side of couch as diamond tiara back from living room with both glasses in her hands and place them on the table and have apple bloom bend above with her breasts on both cups and her hands placed at edge of table in both sides to help with her balance. Diamond right side of apple bloom to pressed the nipple to squeeze milk to come out inside the cup make apple bloom moan of pleasure with tongue sticking out when the glass became fully of milk.

Diamond: "are you ready for another one."

Apple bloom: "eeyup."

She went behind apple bloom to other side of couch toward left breast to press the nipple to squeeze the milk to come out inside the cup.

Apple bloom: "oooh, dia, ah...love ugh..you much."

After that, the glass became fully of milk with apple bloom sitting in the couch to relax for a bit from that as diamond sit down left next to her to begin making out with tongue action while she placed her hand on left breast start firm squeeze make milk pouring down from her nipple and heard moan of pleasure from Apple bloom.

[New chapter is out for today]

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