marlo dreyes jr surprise

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Armin arlelt original universe

Stohess city, Paradis island at 6:40 pm: Mr and Mrs. Dreyes house in stohess neighborhood, it's two stories light blue dogwood oak house with red roof got garage with two cars parked in own driveway.

Marlo dreyes jr bedroom

Marlo is little bit muscular 16 yrs old boy with golden Hazel eyes and light brown shaggy hair. He wearing regular night shirt and lime green shorts only, he just doing his homework at his desk is the right corner wall in his bedroom is very close to bed while sitting black spinning chair, closet, TV stand with video games, game system and Cable in left side of wall that connecting to led flat screen TV hanging on top wall, and wooden drawers.

Knock knock knock

Marlo: "enter."

The door push forward really wide to reveal 35 yrs old waltz with small brown goatte on his chin and got sliver wedding ring in left ring finger on left hand. He enter his son bedroom along with grapploct whole holding pokebelt with 5 pokeballs and pokeball on both tentacles as Marlo dreyes jr spin around in front of them with a smile and said, "what's up dad." Waltz said, "buddy, me and your mother have been talking for 6 weeks so we decided you having first pokemon battle against crusher wave the gym leader in pastoria city gym leader in sinnoh region from original pokemon universe in September 11th on Saturday at 1:20 pm so you got plenty time to catch pokemon."

Marlo: "that's great dad like you did to won against Candice at snowpoint city."

Waltz: "yup, I handed my grapploct to you as your current pokemon and including first starter pokemon, it's charmander. He got 3 moves like ember, fire spin, and flamethrower."

Marlo: "thanks dad."

Grapploct place both pokeball and pokebelt on his new pokemon trainer desk in left side and look at Marlo with happiness expression on his face, then waltz begin to speak again, "you be interesting joining captain arlelt section 23 as serect agent."

Marlo: "of course dad."

Waltz: "great, I will call captain arlelt tomorrow about you joined section 23 and during after school, you go to your uncle boris laboratory get your 1st rotom phone."

Marlo: "yes sir. That's okay I bring Connie Springer and indigo zapp from attack on Titan universe 2 as my travel companion to catch type of pokemon from other universes."

Waltz smile pride: "of course son."

[New chapter is out for today]

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