phantom fletchiner meet ninja

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Canterlot city at 12:15 am on Tuesday

Top of medium building with Phantom fletchiner looking for criminals anywhere in the city for a second.

"Who are you?"

She then turned around of little bit surprised to see canterlot city protector, the white ninja as she approach her with confused expression on her faceface as she replied, "I'm the phantom fletchiner, the new girl superhero."

White ninja: "wait! Your Gabi braun from attack on Titan universe 5, let me guess captain arlelt got you costume to be a superhero too."

Phantom fletchiner: "that's right."

White ninja: "okay stick with me, squirt."

Phantom fletchiner: "you got it."

They look down at the streets and noticed light inside canterlot city jewelry store like four, that's mean bad guys and white ninja said to phantom fletchiner, "it's showtime, kiddo." She nodded her head and morphed into fletchiner shadow flying down the canterlot city jewelry store that speechless of surprise from white ninja bit and took a leap towards jewelry store.

Inside dark jewelry store there birdbrain, zippy, owl, and bat wearing headlamps and carry potato sack to jewelies inside the case.

Zippy: "good thinking birdbrain to disabled the alarm with hacking the system at their mainframe from your lair."

Birdbrain: "yup."

"Not so fast birdbrain!"

They rise their heads for their headlamps shine to the back reveal white ninja and her little friend wearing strange costume, he become scared and said, "it's the white ninja!"

Owl: "who?"

Birdbrain: "white ninja."

Bat: "where?"

Birdbrain: "inside jewelry store with us, bat."

Phantom fletchiner: "geeze they're really lame butch of bad guys I ever saw."

White ninja: "you get use it sometimes."

Both of bat and owl running straight to white ninja and phantom fletchiner to attack but they delivered kung fu moves really fast.

"Spinning zebra heel kick!"

"Pawmot uppercut vigoroth!"

Both of them collapsed on the ground unconscious cause several jewelies spill from the potato sack, then zippy flew toward them until white ninja fire tiny sleepy dart from wrist communicator right on the forehead, she became sleepy and falling down on the floor perfectly only left is birdbrain.

Birdbrain: "uh-oh."

A minute later

Both of them back at same building to see several police car's with four police arrested birdbrain and his goons, white ninja look at her with happiness expression, "great work phantom fletchiner." She replied back to her with kindness, "thanks white ninja. Let's do this again to beat up bad guys."

White ninja: "sure, let meet up at Simpson universe 2 on top of Aztec theatre with my canterlot defenders, phantom scout, and girl arachnid in same time on Wednesday midnight

Phantom fletchiner: "sounds good."

White ninja: "great, see ya kid."

She turned around begin running in a second then she took leap into the air transform into a dragon begin flying away that surprise phantom fletchiner bit and she disappeared in a flash after that.

Mlp universe 3 at 9:00 am

Sasha walk through town with hitch ry-9y, and amarouge as her dayoff until go back to training tomorrow, then hitch said to Sasha, "what kind of training you going to tomorrow, Sasha."

Sasha: "master yoda said, "running through the forest as my course in aot universe 3 while being watched by several titans along the way when master yoda, ry-9y, little bit old 3 meter male titan with bold hear and medium long white beard while holding cane, master Kenobi, and another young 3 meter male titan who waiting for me at the finish line by tomorrow morning at 9:15 am."

Hitch: "sweet, can me and amarouge tag along."

Sasha: "sure."

[New chapter is out for today]

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