cadets surprise

38 1 0

4:30 pm

Section 17 training ground

Scootaloo and the rest of cadets doing air punches back and forth for a moment until they heard a voice by familiar voice, "well I'll be, long time no see kids." They stop and turned around of surprise to see captain black and Jackie enter the training ground being accompanied by vice principal artmies and mighty ray.

Lincoln: "hey guys."

Girl Jordan: "that's very surprise visit for us."

Stella: "you said it girl."

Luke cis pad: "hey guys what a surprise short reunion for us."

Ricky: "you said it luke."

Riza: "yup."

Lynn Jr: "yo captain black, Mr. Chan."

Bulk: "we miss you guys so much."

Cadets walk up in front of captain black and Jackie Chan with a smiles on their faces, as scootaloo said to them with surprise, "hey guys, how are you guy's been at your universe." Jackie replied, "we're fine, scootaloo. I got married to viper and got 5 yrs old boy name Lee Chan, uncle still grumpy always and everyone too."

Scootaloo: "good ol' uncle, I alway miss he saying to us "No more thing!"

First base: "yup, including finger slapped on the forehead."

Captain black: "scootaloo, you and your friends growing up so fast as serect agents like your sisters, idol, and friends."

Reggie: "yeah."

Jackie: "that's okay, we watch you guys train for a while."

Lynn Jr: "of course guys, we're family after all."

Scootaloo: "it's true."

Riza: "sure Jackie, we're doing dragger practice with two partners like one person goes rouge agent toward another one with wooden dragger until person flip one into ground or dodging."

Captain black: "sweet."

Section 17 main lobby with Zeke, his new girlfriend Rosa Paige, namona, and clavell who very surprised to see real life section 17 for first time.

Clavell: "this is section 17, huh, it's pretty amazing I ever saw in my life."

Namona: "including agents wearing strange armor holding futuristic weapons while marching along at right side of main lobby, director."

"Hey Zeke."

They turn around to see bright idea walk up to them while being accompanied by mienfoo got joltix on top of his head, armaldo, and asbol who surprise nemona, Rosa, and clavell to see another rare pokemon in section 17, then Zeke introduced everyone to bright idea, "this is bright idea, he's charged of gadget and weapons department who invented uva gadget cap."

Nemona: "that's explained everything."

Bright idea: "yup, what's your names if may ask."

Nemona: "I'm nemona, the student council president of uva academy and 1st paldea region pokemon league champion."

Bright idea: "not bad my dear."

Clavell: "I'm clavell, the director of uva academy."

Rosa Paige: "I'm Rosa Paige at your service, I'm student at uva academy, my homeroom teacher is ms. Tyme, and I'm first girlfriend of Zeke yagear in paldea region."

Make Carlos thunderbolt, thunderbass, sandbar, bright idea, and eren jaeger From aot universe 2.

Eren: "not bad little buddy."

Carlos: "way to go little Zeke."

Thunderbass: "you're the man, kid."

Sandbar: "radical little dude."

Bright idea smile pride, "congratulations my boy, you got yourself a girlfriend at uva academy in paldea region, but you two need stayed focused on school all the time."

Rosa: "of course sir, my parents rise me right to be focused on school."

Bright idea: "delightful my dear."

Zeke: "I'm going tell my parents at 7:30 pm about me got a girlfriend first time in uva academy.'

Bright idea: " Good thinking my boy."

He reached out pink sunglasses with tiny green light blub around rims inside lab coat right pocket and handed Rosa on palm of hand, he said, "this my invention, nightvision sunglasses, imagine its very dark outside in the grassy field to can't see anything. When you put them on and press small red button left hinge turned on the green light with little bit bright to see everything. That's your 1st gift from me my dear." She smile and said, "thanks so much, Mr. Idea."

Bright idea: "you're welcome."

Then meinfoo, joltix, armaldo, and absol walk up to the trio that surprise bright idea and Zeke

Bright idea: "I see those pokemon want you three as their partners I believe."

Clavell: "of course we'll happy to do that, I'll take absol."

Nemona: "I take armaldo."

Rosa: "I take both mienfoo and joltix, I called mienfoo is miles and joltix is Sparky."

Joltix: "joltix."

Bright idea: "great names my dear, oh he learn 6 kung fu moves from lemon zest, miette, and Serena Ketchum. It's monkey fist, yamper curving turkey, gallade cut grass, Sczior eating hot dog, and mantis kick."

Rosa: "sweet."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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