strange pokemon part 2: meet arven

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The trio arrived at the lighthouse to notice someone standing in front of door  is male with blonde hair while wearing blue vest, purple pants, and shoes. He carries a yellow backpack on his back. When he turned around at them to reveal his whole face with green eyes just wearing same uniform like Zeke and nanoma, he staring at mysterious pokemon in anger and said, "why, that little." He run toward the mysterious pokemon to leave both of Zeke and nanoma confused as boy said to mysterious pokemon in anger, "what're you doing out here?! " He looked back at them, "I'm not talking to you two. You can shove off." Nenoma said to the boy with confused while place her on right rib, "wait, i know you... Aren't you arven? You're enrolled in the humanitites, track right? And aren't you the son of that professor researcher----professor turo?" He turned around at them in anger and shaking his head, "doesn't matter who my dad is! The real issue here is what in world this pokemon is doing out here and what is with this form it's in?"

Zeke: "I met it at the bottom of this cliff."

Nanoma: "see, we heard this strange cry, and we tried to investigate, but Zeke fell off the cliff."

Zeke: "I used my go go gadget helicopter inside of uva gadget cap flying down on the sand safety."

Nanoma: "then after that, that pokemon save Zeke, but it seems like it wore itself out in the process. It got kinda.... Slumpy afterwards. But you shoulda seen it before! It look totally different--it was unbelievably strong."

He looked at mysterious pokemon with worried expression and said, "well, yeah. As it should be. But it can't fight while it's like this. The form miraidon takes in battle... That's it true form.

Zeke: " Miraidon? Is that this pokemon? How'd you know it."

Miraidon look at the door and give little cry, "agiagias!" Arven shaking his head to miraidon and said, "you can't go to the lab. It's locked." He turned at them to look at Zeke with suspicious expression and said, "i don't remember ever seeing you around. But given the uniform... You go to the academy too, do you."

Zeke: "well it's first days of academy actually. "

Arven: "okay than, anyway, miraidon isn't the sort of pokemon that any old trainer can hope to command. It's special."

Nenoma: "special how? What sort of pokemon is it?"

Arven ignore her and look at Zeke with stern expression on his face, "you think you're up to ordering miraidon around? Then how 'bout I test your worthiness?" Zeke said to him with surprise, "yes I'm worthy to challenge a pokemon battle."

Arven: "heh, well, look at You-quite the little go-getter! I'm been feeling all out of sorts, so I'm gonna use this battle to blast these doldrums away!

Then Zeke begin backing up a second and stop to having 2nd pokemon battle against arven as he tossed pokeball in the air, " Go skwovet!" It released skwovet from the pokeball to the grass when Zeke tossed pokeball in Mid-air too as well, "go drillbur, I need your assistance!" It released drillbur to enter the battle against skwovet that's surprised arven and nanoma.

Nanoma: "another rare pokemon, it's so cute."

Arven: "not bad I guess. Quick skwovet use bite on drillbur."

He running toward drillbur with bite for a second when Zeke called out a attack, "use metal claw!" He delivered metal claw on skwovet by upper jaw to give heavy critical damage and crashed down on the ground became unconscious that's surprised nemona and miraidon except for arven become shocked to his skwovet got defeated by Zeke drillbur with one move and he slapped his forehead of defeat, "it seems you know a thing or two about battle." After they place their pokemon inside pokemon and they walk up to each other, then nanoma said to Zeke with little bit surprised, "wow zeke! That was awesome!"

Arven: "I guess I wasn't ever going to stand a chance using rare pokemon, I only just caught. But if you really think you can take miraidon off my hands for me... You'll need this."

He handed Zeke a pokemon on palm of hand and he said, "it's the pokeball that brute been kept in." Then nanoma became confused and said, "so, why'd you have it." He didn't replied back to her and said to Zeke, "anyway, that thing's your problem now, not mine. Good luck." He began sprinting away as he could toward the academy from the trio became confused for a second and nemona said to him, "fine, be that way! But you better actually show up in school. What a weirdo."

Nemona: "(thought) he's cute in weirdo way."

Then miraidon walk up to it new owner who became happy while held pokeball in front of it begin went inside the pokeball quick and place it on pokebelt left attachment, he turned around at nemona who begin to speak again, "that's arven guy definitely knows more than he's letting on. Next time, he and I are battling! I'm gonna wring some answers outta him! But oh, right---we gotta climb the lighthouse! Can't wait to show you the view."

Zeke: "of course nemona."

Aot universe 5 at 1:45 pm

Inside of briefing room with everyone focus on the papers about crime scene at ceries laboratory since last night for a moment until porco enter the briefing room with cetoodle cause everyone stop working to see them.

Pieck: "how it go with daisy and her sisters been, porco."

Porco "they're doing great and I'm taking daisy to dinner at cerulean city restaurant tonight at 8:55 pm."

Reiner and colt sly grin on their faces at porco for taking dead victim sister to dinner at cerulean city restaurant tonight as pieck aid to him with surprise, "like a date." He begin blush of embressment on both cheeks and said, "no pieck, just friends that's all."

Colt: "okay there buddy "Just friends."

Reiner: "yup, hehe."

Porco: "whatever you two, by oh the way, what's the plan to get goh inside the school tomorrow."

Reiner: "well, me and colt will be there early to ask principal over there when 1st period started, on he cue to called out goh come to his office and then, "Bam" He becomes unconscious from tiny Choloform dart back of neck from tranquilizer ring that gearloose made for colt and place him over my right shoulder blade, then bring him here after that."

Porco: "good idea, I guess."

[New chapter is out for today]

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