welcome to section 17

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Pokemon universe 2 at 2:25 pm

Solaceon contest hall locker room with dawn who's lost by jessilna heading to the final but she won't give up and keep practice and ready going to section 17 in flash sentry original universe with her friends for a while.

Captain Levi: "you brats are ready."

Ash: "we're ready mr. Ackerman."

An suddenly Easter Island head appear behind locker room entrance in 4 feet and said to them with kind, "hello dum-dums. Are you taking kids to section-section 17." Levi replied, "sure do fat head."

Easter Island head: "excellent-excellent."

He moved to the left reveal section 17 main lobby in flash Sentry original universe at 3:00 pm that's surprise ash and his group as they went through entrance to section 17 in a second when easter Island head went back to closed the portal to stare at coordinators and said, "see ya dum-dums." He disappeared after that in a flash.

Section 17 main lobby

Holly: "wow this place is huge while underneath the whole city."

Brock: "yup."

"Hey there kids."

They spotted captain sentry, principal celestia, vice principal artmies, rainbow blitz, and mighty thor 2.0 walk up to them with a smiles.

Principal celestia: "we're so happy for you kids join section 17 as part time section 17 serect agent."

Vice principal artmies: "indeed celestia."

Pancham: "pancham."

Ash: "wow, another unknown pokemon."

Rainbow blitz: "yup, this is my buddy pancham and from kalos region in original pokemon universe."

Holly: "very nice to meet you, little guy."

Pancham smile: "pancham."

Mighty thor 2.0: "thou are ready for the tour, my friends."

Dawn: "yup."

Armin arlelt original universe at 3:00 pm: section 23-captain arlelt office

Captain arlelt at his desk and typing something on his laptop for a second and stop to heard someone knocking at his door from outside and said, "come in." Person begins open the door forward really wide to reveal Samuel linke Jackson from aot universe 5 as he entered the office toward his desk.

Captain arlelt smile: "ah, Samuel you here for new paldean rock type pokemon."

Samuel: "yes sir."

He pulled drawer from his desk to reveal pokeball, he grabbed it and place it on his desk so Samuel grabbed it from his hand nicely and said, "thank you captain, Forrest will happy about it to got his first pladean rock type of pokemon when I handed him at his place in pokemon universe 3 morning at 7:15 am. Oh what kind of rock type pokemon is it?" Armin replied, "gargancal."

Samuel: "great."

Armin: "I need talk with you and daz with surprise at my place when you get back."

Samuel: "yes sir."

Professor Boris laboratory in trost city at 3:10 pm

Professor boris at his study room reading a book about one of legendary pokemon, chien pao the ruinous pokemon for a moment until he heard a voice, "uncle, where are you?" He smile and replied, "in the study room, nephew." Marlo dreyes jr enter study room while wearing gray sleeves shirt, green cargo shorts, and short white socks inside air Jordan blue shoes and said to his uncle with kindness, "I'm here for my first rotom phone." He closed his book and place it on his desk and walked up in front of him. He pulled out rotom phone from his white lab coat right pocket and place it on his nephew palm.

Marlo: "thank you uncle."

Boris: "you're welcome nephew and I'm proud of you to join captain arlelt section 23 as serect agent."

Marlo: "yeah."

[New chapter is out for today]

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