ash surprised

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Section 17 main lobby at 7:20 am on Friday morning with the wedding couple and their pokemon.

Ash wore Sleelvess basketball jersey, camo shorts with pokebelt around it, white socks inside sneakers, and got his unova cap went backward on his head. Serena wore off shoulder purple shirt wirh exposed light brown lacy bra strap in left shoulder blade, denim shorts, sneakers, and two different types of earrings in left ear.

"Well who decided to join section 17."

They spotted shikamaru, ymir, her girlfriend, historia, mikasa Ackerman, vice principal luna, captain Sentry, rainbow blitz, Henry hange, and crabrawler approach them as ymir said to him with surprised, "you change your mind to join section 17, huh new monarch." Ash replied, "yup. I decided to join section 17 with my wife after all."

Rainbow blitz: "that's sweet Mr. Ketchum."

Pancham: "pancham."

Captain Sentry: " Welcome to section 17, Mr. Ketchum, we're happy for you joined section 17 and I sign you as wild tara pokemon catcher."

Ash: "sounds great captain. That's okay with you, let my buddy as my wild Tera Pokemon catcher."

Captain Sentry: "of course Mr. Ketchum."

Crabrawler walk up to him to give out friendly cry, "crabrawler." Flash replied with surprised, "I think crabrawler want you as his second wild tera Pokemon catcher too as well." Both ash and Pikachu smile pride for crabrawler join them as second wild tera Pokemon catcher partner and Ash said to him with polite, "of course buddy."

Original pokemon universe

Mesagoza city at 8:15 am

In middle of the city with RJ sitting in the bench behind the building is waiting for someone to come by until they heard dirt bike engine sound from couple miles away and look up to see denki riding on his dirt bike toward him in a second and he stop his bike in 8 feet front of him who's getting up on the bench toward him just turned off the engine and taking off his helmet."

Rj: "I'm glad you made it just in time, my dude."

Denki: "no problem rj."

Rj: "how's everyone at levincia city  been."

Denki: "they're doing great as well. Floch, kaede, and sky bright doing shoot practice with three empty cans at somewhere middle of area three during at 2:35 am."

Rj: "that's good."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

cmc high school adventures (remakes) part 2Where stories live. Discover now