kung lesson in Springfield elementary

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Back of Springfield elementary with Serena having staring at Reggie while being watched by groundskeeper Willie, sandy shocks, Sparky, scizor, and sneasal behind his shack. Serena wearing pink and blue sport bra with picture of delphox in the middle, short black leggings, white socks inside of red velvet gym shoes, and hair into a bun. Reggie wearing gray sleeveless shirt, green short leggings, and air Nike green shoes.

Serena: "ready for round 2 of our kung fu lesson, dear."

Reggie: "you know it mrs. Ketchum."

Serena: "hajimeru!"

Both of them doing ninja sprint toward to each other in a second, then Reggie delivered kung fu move, "monkey fist!" She dodged it from that attack to went behind Reggie, "repulse the monkey!" She use lower kick on Reggie to cause her fall down but she leap in mid-air from repulse the monkey just in time that's surprised Serena and she land on middle top of swing set bar perfectly.

Serena: "nice dodge from my repulse the monkey, sweetie."

Reggie: "thanks Mrs. Ketchum."

Inside of principle Skinner office with principal Skinner and superintendent Chalmers watching two people in the playground doing kung fu lesson.

Superintendent Chalmers: "Skinner, why two people at the playground."

Principle Skinner: "beats me sir? Let watched it."

Superintendent Chalmers: "agreed."

Reggie take leap from swing set bar toward Serena with another kung fu move, "the great tusk stomp on pawmi!" But Serena get out of way just in time when Reggie stomp on the grass hard to cause small crater with her right feet, she turns right at Serena standing on picnic table with sly grin on her face, "nice dodge, Mrs. Ketchum but try this one!" She take mid-air toward Serena with another kung fu move, "hariyama chop!" She dodge it again to the left from attack to chop picnic table in half.

Principle Skinner: "not the picnic table!"

She turned right at Serena again begin running toward her to deliver another kung fu move again, "plowing panda!" She dodge it little bit and deliver a counter kung fu move, "mantis kick!" Right on the stomach with light damage caused her back up bit and look at Serena run to her.

Serena: "monkey fist!"

She duck down from that attack to deliver low kick move, "meowth cut grass!" Caused Serena lost her balance to fall foward on the grass gently and groundskeeper Willie said, "stop!" Reggie lift Serena up from the ground on her feet, they got sweats on their forehead when Willie and the group toward them with him handed them towels to wipe off the sweat from kung fu lesson.

Superintendent Chalmers: "what a amazing kung fu lesson from them, right Skinner."

Principle Skinner: "but she chop picnic table in half."

Superintendent Chalmers: "get over it, Skinner."

Serena: "on next Monday at 11:00 am, we're doing whistling birds target practice at three wooden targets in back of professor oaks laboratory, sound good kiddo."

Reggie smile: "sure."

Original pokemon universe

Uva academy at 1:15 pm

Nemona walking corridor toward main entrance hall to due another lesson for a moment until she stop to see arven walk up to her with apologize expression on his face, "hey listen, I'm sorry about my rudeness behavior in front of you and Zeke at the lighthouse yesterday. That not cool." She smiles at him while crossed her arms underneath her d-cup breasts and said, "apologize accepted, arven."

Arven: "you got any plans in the afternoon because I'm taking to you at arstian barking in the city as friends."

Nemona: "sure, see you at 5:00 pm."

Arven smile: "sounds great."

She walked pass him to the right begin walking towards main entrance hall when he turned around to see nenoma butt moving around while she walking to cause blushed bit for a second and look back begin walking towards his dorm room.

[New chapter is out for today]

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