attack on hammerlocke city

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Hammerlocke city, galar region at 3:45 pm in Pokemon universe 3

In the street with white limousine driving got male limo driver on the wheel while got rose, leon, and oleana sitting in backseats.

Rose: "I'm very excited for World coronation series open up very soon."

Leon: "yup, every trainer in the world to face each other to enter master tournament class called to face me as new monarch."

Oleana: "good idea leon."

Just then, limo driver hit the break to stop because traffic light turned red for a moment until a huge explosion from couple miles away in front of limousine  cause people and Pokemon running away in fear.

Leon: "what the hell?"

Rose exit the limo from left side to see what's going on to went behind the limo in 3 feet became shocked to see 15 super battle drones marching on the streets.

Leon and oleana exit the limo too and see super battle drones marching towards them

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Leon and oleana exit the limo too and see super battle drones marching towards them.

Leon: "shit, this is bad, we get out of here."

Oleana: "good idea."

Three of them begin running away except for limo driver getting out just time was about to running away with them but one of super battle drones fire him with dual wrist blaster and get killed in the back.

Back with Leon and the others still running for a second to see police barricade with police forces from 2 yard miles away when they noticed the trio running towards them, then galar officer jenny begin to speak in microphone through speaker with kindness, "hurry up before getting killed by Robotic drones." They run as they can until rose trip in the pavement on the stomach hard who got behind by Leon and oleana just arrived at police barricade but they noticed in fear to see rose begin getting up on his feet was about to run again towards barricade to join them but it was too late, he got killed in the back through his chest by super battle drone duel wrist blaster as he collapsed on the ground with both knees touching went laying down to the street cause scared oleana give out bloody scream to see her boss dead in front of them.

Then suddenly medium size magical orange portal show up behind the barricade with everyone become confused to see portal begin opening up to reveal section 23 Southeast Corridor with Jedi master karina braun  fifteen section 23 armored agents, and medic armored section 23 agent coming out to the streets when the portal closed after that.

Leon: "who are they?"

Officer jenny: "I don't know?"

She turned on her lightsaber with purple beam come out from top along with armored agents aim their rifles at super battle drones begin fire at them while marching to take out one of them then Karina use lightsaber throw like a boomerang at three of them getting sliced in half and went backed to her by the hand perfectly and reflect the blaster.

Armored section 23 agent #1: "give it to them!"

Armored section 23 agent #2 scream in death because got shoot in the chest twice along with another one.

Armored section 23 agent #4: "we need medic here."

Armored section 23 agent #5: "man down!"

She sliced super battle drone in half and use force push at two super battle drones hard cause broke them instantly then suddenly a ice spike ball come out of nowhere dodon ray come of nowhere to went through battle drone by the forehead cause collapsed on the pavement.

Leon: "what the?"

Officer jenny: "who did that actually?"

"It was me, ma'am."

They look up on top of hammerlocke city Police van to see tien with two fingers sticking out forward to aim at super battle drones, and vigilante come out from dark alley in front of rest of super battle drones begin fire with two pistols at once and joining Jedi master Karina

Karina: "you two show up just in time taking out rest of them."

Vigilante: "with pleasure, ma'am."

She sliced two super battle drones at once and vigilante fire the last one with one shoot, after that they hearing cheering and clapping by people from background as Karina deactivated her lightsaber and place it on her belt attachment, she and vigilante walk up to armored agent #5 then Karina said, "how many troops we lost?"

Armored agent #5: "four of them dead and two wounded, general."

Officer jenny, Leon, and oleana walk up to with relief smiles, then he said to them, "thanks for the help we're appreciate." Vigilante replied, "anytime partner but we don't how many Pokemon and people dead from downtown." Karina look at three armored agents and said, "you three go with officer jenny and other police check on how many bodies of people and Pokemon from downtown."

Three armored agents: "yes general."

Leon: "I decided to postpone world coronation series until Next year."

Vigilante: "good idea partner."

Oleana: "when rose gone, I'm going to be new President of macro cosmos and chairwoman of the galar Pokemon league."

Leon place his hand on her right shoulder blade got pride smile on his face, "rose will be proud for you from heaven right now to become new president and chairwoman of the galar Pokemon league." They agree with him for oleana become new president of macro cosmos and chairwoman of the galar Pokemon league then one of police officer step in and said, "what we  going to do with broken down robots."

Leon: "take them to hammerlocke dump."

Tien: "good idea dude."

[new chapter is out for today]

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