hengemen in mesagoza city

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South province at 8:45 am

After healing their pokemon at outside pokemon center in Los platos and they arrived at open gate of mesagoza city.

Nenoma: "here we are, the mesagoza city, the biggest city in paldea region inside the walls. They're have restaurant, shopping centers and everything inside."

Zeke: "excellent, let go inside the city shall we."

Both of them went inside the entrance to the city begin walking up on the steps entered biggest city and Zeke noticed uva academy up there with another stairs is very long for a moment until they noticed two team star confront a girl with eevee backpack, they think harassed her and begin walk up to them, Zeke said to them in anger, "hey! Leave the girl alone." Both of them chuckle and look at Zeke and nemona with sly grin on his face, "kid, you don't know who are you talking too."

Team star grunts: "we're team stars."

Nemona: "of course you punks are here again to recruit more people join stupid team star club again."

Zeke: "anyway I'm battle against them with two in a one against two pokemon battle."

Team star grunt #1: "okay you ask for it then, kid."

Team star grunt #2: "yeah."

They was about to have one against two pokemon battle until 11 hengemen appeared with blue beam at few away when they look at them in shocked.

Nemona: "what the heck?"

He look at them with nervous look and said, "second thought, we change our mind to battle you, kid. See ya." Both went left side of hengemen walking down the stairs to exit the city to leave girl, nemona, and Zeke, then he got a idea.

Zeke: "let's battle them, you wanna join me."

Nemona: "sure."

They tossed their pokeball in mid-air while saying their names quick while inside the pokeball.

Zeke: "mienshoa, come out now!"

Nemona: "you too sprigatto!"

Both mienshoa and sprigatto come out their pokeball to appear in middle of city floor behind their trainers staring at 11 hengemen, they begin having battle against them inside the city to cause attention with girl and several citizens watching them

Zeke: "use sharpedo bites bottom feeder on half of them at once."

Nemona: "use scratch on both of them."

Mienshoa use sharpedo bites bottom feeder on half of them at once cause them into purple fungous begin disappeared after that, then sprigatto use stretch on both hengemen with critical damage caused them into purple fungous begin to disappeared too as well, only left is the last hangemen."

Zeke: "use mantis kick."

She delivered mantis kick on hengemen in the stomach really hard cause turned into purple fungous and disappeared after that, then they heard applause and clapping by several people from the background for their heroes when Zeke walk up to the girl who look at him very shy and said, "i...Uh... I just... Well... Thanks." She walk pass by him without looking for a second and said, "see ya.... See ya around." She begin running towards the stairs to academy as she could and nemona said to Zeke with surprise, "well look at us, Zeke. We're becoming already heroes around campus. Anyway I don't think I've seen that girl around. Maybe she's a transfer student, like you. That eevee backpack, though! Love that fluff! Anyway, seems like trouble's died down, so we'd better book it up to school."

Zeke: "yeah, you said it nenoma."

Both of them begin climbing up the stairs toward the academy until they arrived the schoolyard with 12 students around as they begin walking towards the front entrance and stop with a breather by running the stairs in a second, they arrived at school in time at 8:55 am and entered inside the school to arrived at entrance hall, nemona turned around to look at Zeke with happily, "here we are, little dude. Uva academy. This here's entrance hall! You can sign up for all kind of classes at the desk behind me, and those halls off to the sides. Lead to all different parts of the school. It's totally big enough to let loose and battle in here, but for no reason, they banned pokemon battling in the main entrance." Then suddenly clavell arrived main entrance from upstairs toward them being joined by solon and Bucky barnes.

Clavell: "Mr. Yeager, miss nemona. How did you find your first school commute."

Zeke: "we had a blast, sir."

Nemona: "yup, I'm looking out for my friend, right Zeke."

Zeke: "right."

Clavell: "excellent to hear that."

Nemona: "speaking of which...we saw some those team star kids in town, director."

Solon: "oh dear."

Clavell scared: "you did! Where?"

Zeke: "it was down the stairs from the front gates. They was hassling this kid with eevee backpack.".

Nemona: "He step up to them was about to have a pokemon battle until 11 pawn theme like creatures appeared with blue beam in very close to front gate."

Solon: "uh-no! hengemen are here in paldea region, this is bad, bad, bad."

Nenoma: "you know them, ms. Dinosaur thing."

Solon: "yes my dear, those are hengemen who served void queen in dinohenge years ago."

Nemona: "okay, but we're finish them off for good with our pokemon though."

Solon: "that's wonderful kids but more of hengemen will show up here anytime soon."

Bucky barnes: "yup, what about the girl with eevee backpack."

Clavell: "i suppose that might have been miss Penny. I'm relieved to hear shes come to class, at least. Ah, and miss nemona? If you'd be so good, do report to mr. Jacq about this team star business as your homeroom teacher, he should be kept apprised of all such goings on

Nemona: "you got it, sir."

Clavell: "but look at time, you two had better hurry along-classes will be starting really soon, oh Mr. Yagear, you duffle bag is your dorm room sitting in middle of bed. You will unpack your stuff after school."

Zeke: "yes sir."

Solon: "have fun on first day of academy my dear boy."

Zeke: "thanks ma'am."

Both of them went upstairs toward their homeroom from Main entrance with the trio as Solon said to them, "I will talk with Xander and Dustin at levinica city on their morphers to ask them, keep a eyes on hengemen when they appeared show up somewhere in paldea anytime soon."

Clavell: "brilliant idea solon."

Bucky barnes: "yeah, I ask captain sentry if he wake up at his universe to send captain eldian, the Boulder, RJ, Danny phantom, leatherhead, and Dr. Rockwell here soon as possible."

Clavell: "you said it Mr. Barnes."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

Two original universes times

Original pokemon universe- 9:00 am

Flash sentry original universe- 4:35 am

cmc high school adventures (remakes) part 2Where stories live. Discover now