interrogation #8: Tracey sketchit

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South Park universe 1 at 8:23 pm in town of South Park; park country police station

Sgt. Yates at his desk reading his Scarlet book in a chapter called mystery plates.

He begin reading, "during our descent into area zero, we came across a buried metal plate inscribed with a strange symbol

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He begin reading, "during our descent into area zero, we came across a buried metal plate inscribed with a strange symbol. We attempted to shave off a piece of the plate but failed to leave even a scratch. Even determining the nature of the metal seems beyond modern science. We know not why the inscription was, let alone how."

"Excuse me."

He look up to see professor oak, assistant Tracey sketchit who just enter police station with small smile on his face as Sgt. Yates closed his book and said to Tracey with a smile, "you're travel companion with ash Ketchum and misty Williams back at orange league." He replied back, "yes sir." He begin sit down in a chair front of Sgt. Yates desk begin with interrogation when detective.  Foley walk next to Sgt. Yates from behind with pen and notepad.

Sgt. Yates: "how do your know about misty Williams death in pallet town Park."

Tracey: "since 3 months ago back at my universe, I was shocked of horror about misty found dead face forward in the pond at pallet town park by someone."

Sgt. Yates: "do you love her, huh son."

He got single tear coming down from his eye and replied back, "yes sir, she's amazing girl as gym leader in Cerculean city but she scared of bug types pokemon sometimes. Me, her, and Daisy rescue two luvdisc from team rocket, Cassidy and bob." Sgt. Yates replied, "you mean butch."

Tracey: "oh butch, by bad. So anyway I find a person who's responsible to kill  love in my life."

Sgt. Yates: "it's was Serena Yvonne who killed misty Williams because she got mental illness and born with emotionless, who became jealous when flirting and touch on ash in front of her and she's extremely obsessed him so much."

Tracey scared: "she's the one who killed misty in pallet town park."

Sgt. Yates: "yup, don't worry doctor burns make a cure with the help of Dr. Fate magic turned her into normal girl."

Tracey smile: "that's good."

Sgt. Yates: "one question, are you going to hit Serena."

Tracey: "no I never hit a girl at all."

Both Sgt. Yates and detective Foley smile at Tracey who hit Serena for a moment until Tracey give evil smile at them, "but Sakura and casey will beat her up when I told them about it."

Detective Murphy: "Jesus Christ!

Detective frakes: "well Serena Yvonne is doom."

Drunk prisoner inside the cell with barley scare expression on his face, " This Serena Yvonne will beat up senseless by a lot of girls."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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