video chat with ardan kruse

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Mesagoza city, paldea region on Wednesday August 23rd, 2022 at 6:30 am- uva academy: Zeke Yeager dorm

Zeke sitting in a stool in front of kitchen table eating pop tart from small plate bit while wearing sleeping clothes for a moment until his rotom phone flew toward him from his desk to went right sideways to see video request from his uncle

Zeke: "alright, uncle kruse."

He press accept green button make the screen turn on to reveal adran kruse inside the office with section commander Erwin smith and Zoe hange only to known as Zeke uncle and aunt too.

Zeke: "hey uncle kruse."

Ardan: "hey there buddy, are you enjoyed uva academy."

Zeke: "yes sir, I made 3 friends since yesterday and before yesterday."

Erwin: "that's amazing young man, we hope might you getting more friends today."

Zeke: "I might getting 2 friends for today, Mr. Smith. Oh guess what I got first girlfriend before yesterday, her names Rosa Paige. She's from alfornada city in south province. She's seven years old."

Ardan smile proudly: "congratulations buddy for having girlfriend on first day of uva academy not bad."

Zoe: "I'm very proud of you, Zeke but you two need focus on school work.'

Zeke: " We will auntie."

Zoe: "good boy. Oh we talk with your father in artazon town since last night about you going on a treasure hunt begins of September 4th, correct."

Zeke: "yup."

Ardan: "that's wonderful buddy, your first treasure hunt ever in paldea region, I'm proud of you and we're visiting you tomorrow morning at 8:15 am."

Zeke: "wonderful idea uncle, I take you guys a tour inside the academy and explore the city after that but I'm going to ask permission first from director if he's okay with him for me take you guys a tour at uva academy and explore the city."

Erwin: "it's right thing to do that, Zeke."

Pokemon universe 3

Petalburg city, hoenn at 5:35 pm: maple residence

Caroline walked in the hallway toward her daughter bedroom while her family is at the living room and watching TV from downstairs, she approach her daughter bedroom to see the door barley open so she placed her hand on middle of the door begin push very gently for a second and stop, she entered the bedroom to explore what her daughter hiding but everything alright until she noticed two letters on may desk behind the wall at the back and she approach it to grab 1st letter with her hand for looking it cause her eyes went wide with mouth open in horror while shaking the letter.

"Hello there mother, I see you reading 1st letter huh."

Carolina froze in fear cause her daughter entered her bedroom when she look back very slowly at may wearing off shoulder pink velvet sleeping shirt and purple sleeping short shorts only. She got smug expression on her face while placed her right hand in right rib and closed the door with her foot.

May: "let's talk shall we."

[New chapter is out for today]

4 universe times

Flash sentry original universe

Canterlot city-5:37 am

Japony-5:37 pm

Las Pegasus-5:37 am

Original Pokemon universe

Paldea region-6:35 am

Kanto region-6:47 am

Pokemon universe 3

Petalburg city, hoenn-5:37 pm

Gta vice City universe

Vice city-5:37 pm

Aot universe 5

Paradis and Marley-7:35 pm

cmc high school adventures (remakes) part 2Where stories live. Discover now