phnom penh '86

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Starfish island, vice city beach, vice city, Florida at 11:15 am-Diaz mansion

Diaz standing on fifth steps got cell phone in his ear talking with one of streetwannabe's gangster and become angry while walking down the stairs, "what kind of incompetent fool are you? FOOL! FOOL! FOOL! FOOL!" He slam cell  phone on the floor hard cause to broke and he noticed may maple enter his mansion while wearing regular sleeves red shirt, demin shorts got brown belt around it with personal energy shield in left side the belt, matching red ankle with light blue laces and soles, and pair of white socks underneath. She got black fingerless being carried light machine gun as he walk up to her.

Diaz: "may!"

May: "what, Ricardo."

Diaz: "these idiots- they always trying to screw you. That's the problem with this business. These pricks have failed me miserably. Soon any mom and pop will think they can sell gallo in vice City. What's next. Huh? The stinking mafia?"

May: "I guess."

Diaz: "that gang place is a fortress at ground level, so Quentin here- Quentin, QUENTIN!"

Quentin Vance walk up to them give smile on his face to see may again when Diaz continues speak again, "he'll fly you over there the area! Eradicate them!" She nodded her head to agree with Diaz until they heard, "shelgon!" They turned right to see wild endurance pokemon, shelgon enter the mansion."

Diaz: "what in the world?"

May: "it's a shelgon, wild pokemon from my universe."

Diaz: "okay than?"

Lance take may from mansion rooftop to leave Diaz with shelgon in the living room.

Diaz: "so your pokemon, huh. That's great."

On the rooftop with lance Vance and may maple towards Mavericks on helipad as may said to him with shock, "what are you doing here?" Lance replied, "hey, I've been asking around, and it's obvious that Diaz going to iced my brother."

May: "and he'll kill you too, lance."

Lance: "i can take Diaz."

May: "no, listen to me! I'll handle Diaz; he's beginning to trust me."

In a second later

The helicopter begins taking off from mansion with may sitting edged of helicopter passenger cargo then may noticed something quick and said to lance who's driving the helicopter, "one thing puzzling. What's with 'Quentin?" He replied, "I dunno. I always kinda like it...quentin Vance."

May: "lance? Your name lance Vance."

Lance: "hey! I got enough of that at school."

May: "lance Vance, poor bastard."

They pass the bridge and lance said to her with confused, "what the hell are we heading anyway?" May replied, "prawn island." Then lance noticed small flock of starly flying towards starfish island in 8 feet next to them that surprise may, "wow small flock of starly! They're from sinnoh region that my friend Dawn from."

Lance: "I want to meet this dawn person, someday."

May: "you will lance."

Lance saw prawn island from couple miles away and said to may, "okay, we almost there." They fly pass by above golf court and lance noticed to see totodile having fun in small pond with politoed he thinks it's cute for a second then they almost arrived prawn island and lance said to may, "take many guns as you can then I'll send you down and you're on  your way."

May: "you got it lance."

They then arrived at gang stronghold toward rooftop to see five gangsters begins fire at helicopter until may fire light machine gun while press the trigger and killed them instantly and lance went lower to balconies for may begins killing the gangster quick and they toward another gangster backyard with a lot of gangsters and noticed gangster van coming toward in a second until come of nowhere, an jaw titan jump of surprise by squash the van with gangsters inside and kill them instantly that shock every gangsters including lance Vance.

May surprise: "it's mr. Galliard."

Gangster #1: "what the hell?!?"

Gangster #2: "woah!"

May: "hahaha, you Assholes are done now. That's my friend, section 44 detective porco galliard who's possessed of jaw titan."

Lance: "geeze may, you got dangerous friend I ever saw."

While porco galliard take care rest of the gangster the whole backyard as lance toward third mansion to the rooftop for may begins firing again including taking out another gangsters on the stairs of the second mansion too as well.

Lance: "great shooting my sister."

May: "thanks lance."

They back on the rooftop of first mansion to see the leader and two gangsters with same dead bodies laying down on the ground from may earlier as they shooting at the helicopter until she begins shooting again to kill three of them.

May: "I got you, punk."

Lance went lower down at the front gate and said to may, "okay. You're on your own from here. Good luck my sister." She hop off the helicopter on the pavement with both feet touching it perfect as lance goes up in the sky and may heading to the mansion but first she turned on switch make portable shield generator and enter mansion to see four gangsters begins fire their weapons but the shield deflect the bullets went two gangsters get kill that shock others when may turned off shield and begins fire  them at once, she walk up to the stairs toward another hallway leads to rooftop being guarded by one gangster who was about to shoot her but instead she quickdraw fast to kill him in the forehead and collapse forward to the floor. She enter the rooftop to see a briefcase.

May: "Bingo."

Back at second mansion backyard with one last gangster becomes scared at porco in a second until he's getting squashed by hand and heard helicopter sound as he turned left to see helicopter heading back to mansion with may sitting in the front seat toward starfish island then porco's neck nape split open, releasing a plume of steam from the slit appears. Then, porco emerged from the nape to exit his Titan body to the floor with both feet touching it perfect and see dead bodies of gangsters everywhere and including destroy vehicles with fire and smoking coming out. Until he heard firetruck, ambulance,and several police sirens from several miles away toward prawn island so he pressed the button on wristband gauntlet make himself transport back to his universe before the emergency arrived.

[New chapter is out for today]

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