terror in emeragrove town

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Emeragrove town at 11:15 am in Pokemon universe 2

Ash and his friends walking by and noticed gardenia at the schoolyard wirh group of kids.

Ash: "hey isn't that gardenia."

Dawn: "you're right babe."

Holly: "so that gardenia you guys talking about what my man flirting with her, huh."

She give cold stare at Brock with nervous grin on his face got sweatdrop on his forehead, they approach her and group of kids then ash said, "hey gardenia."

Gardenia: "hey ash, how you been?"

Ash: "great, we're traveling with our new two travel companions."

Holly give friendly wave and JB-9 give friendly beep at her who surprise to see real life robot along with ash group and said to them with surprise, "who this little guy."

Dawn: "this is JB-9, he's an BB series astromech droid, some friends of our let us keep our little friend for now on."

Gardenia: "he's so cute if you asked me."

Ash: "anyway, what are you doing here at emeragrove town?"

Gardenia: "I'm promoting battling by having battles all the over."

Holly: "that great."

Team rocket watch from nearby bushes to see ash and his friends at emeragrove town with gardenia the gym leader.

Meowth: "let's steal Pikachu without them looking."

James: "good idea meowth."

They race out into open to surprise them, then Holly said in anger, "it's team rocket!" They was about to their motto until flying medium log come out of nowhere made on the impact in middle of schoolyard, it's good thing everyone is alright.

Ash: "who threw that log at us."

"It's me wimp!"

They turned around in shocking to see adonis, wrecker, piledriver, gorgon, and gump as they arrived the town, dawn said in anger, "great not again."

Gardenia: "what do you mean again, dawn."

Adonis: "my boss send us here to terrorize you wimps for fun."

Gump: "yup."

An green portal come out for nowhere left side of schoolyard that's surprise ash, dawn, Holly, Brock, and jb-9 except for gardenia and group of kids become confused until it open up to reveal section 17 main lobby with spider-man, bobobob, don patch, jelly jelly, the thing, serena Ketchum, and white tiger begin come out from portal to the schoolyard with them, after that portal closed.

Ash: "hey guys just in time."

Spider-man: "piledriver, wrecker. Boy I'm glad to see you two again liked I beat you guys butt back in my universe. Do you two miss me."

Wrecker: "shut it webhead!

Piledriver: " Yeah, we don't mess you at all.'

Spiderman became sarcastic and said, "ouch, it hurt my feelings right now guys. What we been though back in new York like robbery banks along with the rhino and the gang. And now you two working with unknown person and tag along with group of weirdos who got their butts kicked by teen titans, bobobo, and his pals. That's lame." They give silent giggles about spiderman being sarcastic to wrecker and piledriver.

Wrecker: "okay that's it! Web-slinger, you're done."

Spiderman: "yay we're friends again."

James: "boy this spiderman fella got a lot of enemies from his universe who hate him so much."

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