talk with the director

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Uva academy entrance hall at 7:20 am with Zeke walk down the stairs in left side of entrance hall while wearing his another uva academy uniform and noticed director clavell talking with the blouder in middle of entrance hall.

Zeke: "good morning sir."

Both of them stop talking to look at Zeke with a smiles on their faces and director replied back to him with kindness, "good morning you too mister Yeager."

Zeke: "I asked you something, that's okay with you for my uncle and his friends visit me tomorrow morning at 8:15 am."

Dictator clavell smiled happily: "of course my boy besides your father and Mr. Kruse getting along as brother figures to each other, they're family after all. You can take them on a tour inside the academy and including the city."

Zeke: "thank you so much sir."

Dictator clavell: "you're welcome my dear boy."

"Hello there."

They turn left to see a little bit tall and slender fair skinned young girl with medium short light brown hair and green eyes. She wearing glasses between her eyes, got two different types of earrings in left ear, and same uva academy uniform like Zeke. She's 15 yrs old. She begins to speak with kindness at Zeke, "you must be Zeke Yeager, let me introduce myself, I'm Savannah Lockwood from medali city in west province. I'm in same homeroom as you."

Zeke: "that's cool, you sitting in front row in the second seat, right."

Savannah: "yup."

Zeke: "doesn't freaking out about me got people from section 17 as friends."

Savannah: "nah, that's pretty cool though for you have friends at section 17 including captain sentry too. You and me wanna be friends"

Zeke: "sure, I got 4 friends now. Anyway Savannah, how many pokemon you got."

Savannah: "I got 4 pokemon. It's axew, whiscash, dundunsparce, and decidueye. I hope I get two rare pokemon at section 17 on Friday."

Zeke: "you will Savannah, you will."

Director clavell: "you said it mr. Yeager."

The boulder: "the boulder totally agree with you, little dude."

Pokemon universe 2 at 9:30 am

With ash and his group almost arrived at solaceon town while walking on path for a moment until Holly begin to speak at the group, "guys, I'm thinking a lot since 3 days ago and decided to join section 17 as part time serect agent, how do you say." Dawn, ash, and Brock like Holly idea about joining section 17 as part time serect agent to save the universes and Mateo said to Holly with excitement, "great choice Holly, I talk with captain sentry when arrived at pokemon center in solaceon town."

Ash: "good idea Mateo."

Jb-9 give beep of happiness response for Holly, ash, dawn, and Brock joining section 17 as part time serect agent and dawn said with little bit surprised, "will Mrs. Ketchum teach aipom with three kung fu moves until tomorrow" Mateo replied, "she might dawn."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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