fun with hitwoman

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Petalburg city, hoenn region at 9:35 pm: may maple bedroom without lights on

Drew lay down on a bed in the cover left next to nightstand got lamp with little bit bright while wearing dark blue sleeping shorts only to expose muscular body with 6 pack abs and begin staring at the ceiling for a moment until heard door open little bit and closed after that, he turned left to see his girlfriend enter her bedroom with erotic smile on her face to hop on the bed and climb on drew stomach abs.

May: "are you ready for this, mister."

Drew: "yup."

She take off her tanktop to let her e-cup breasts bouncy freely make drew very happy to having fun with his girlfriend as she stand in all fours with her breasts hanging above his face when cupped on right breasts and use his hand to grabbed another one. He began sucking and groping on both breasts make his girlfriend/hitwoman moan of pleasure little bit loud begin to blush on her cheeks.

May: "oooh...babe kept going."

He used his finger to pinch and twist the nipple make may moan really loud with tongue stick from her mouth and got erotic expression on her face.

May: "oooh...agh.. Drew."

For a moment, she felt something inside her breasts to warn him, "I'm....gonna cum.agh..any minute." He cupped off the breast and begin groping the breasts with his hands really hard make her moan of pleasure as sprayed milk come out for the nipple to went everywhere like a water fountain in a minute and collapsed on top of him with heavy breathing and sweating on her forehead.

May: "that....was...amazing, cutie."

Drew: "yup, you got small pack of condoms."

May: "yeah, it's inside drawer but first let me rest for a minute."

Drew: "of course may."

Canterlot city at 9:45 am: ymir luxury penthouse, living room

Ymir sitting in the couch watching TV while wearing grey sleeveless shirt to expose muscular arms and light purple shorts only.

Knock knock knock

Ymir: "coming."

She get off the couch toward the front door from the living room as she unlocked it and grabbed knob to twist it, she begin pull the door back really wide to reveal her partner, Henry hange with a smile.

Ymir: "yo Henry, what's up."

Henry: "captain sentry, told us to take rika, poppy, and iono a tour in section 17 as tour guides at 11:00 am."

Ymir: "sure."

[New chapter is out for today]

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