tour at section 17 part 3

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They arrived at garage to see many vehicle getting built by a lot of mechanics as ymir said to them, "this here, we built many vehicles for land, water, sky, and space in other universes." Make iono and poppy surprised to see many vehicles getting built by mechanic until they a heard a voice behind them, "hello there." They turn around to see captain sentry with a smile along with happy Hogan and amity blight than ymir said, "meet flash sentry, the head of section 17."

Iono: "very nice to meet you, Mr. Sentry."

Captain sentry: "you too, and good luck on your pokemon battle against dinky doo on next Saturday at 11:43 am."

Iono: "thanks captain."

Poppy become curious to stare at 3 scars on captain sentry right eye and said, "what happened to your right eye, Mr. Sentry." He replied, "I got this scars from drago at great lake city that me, captain archer, big ben, Astro boy, dawn hikari, and falcon to grab tso lan chi inside of lotus at panda exhibit. When I was about to grab chi with a empty jar until drago come out of nowhere to scratch on my right eye with claws." Both of them shocked about flash got injured from drago claws and iono said, "are you okay after that."

Flash: "yup, I'm wearing eye patch for 4 months to get heal."

Poppy: "drago is a big meanie did that to you, Mr. Sentry."

Amity: "that's right he's big meanie until shendu drag him down until netherworld to teach him a lesson for long time."

Poppy: "yay."

Ymir: "you guys are ready for the last tour at Titan pokemon mission control room."

Poppy: "I'm ready, ms. Ymir."

South Park universe at 11:49 am

Garrison classroom with every class working on their classwork when Mr. Garrison noticed someone is missing in his class and said to them with confused, "where's cartman at, kids?" Stan said to him, "he still at nurse office almost melting halfway what happened at recess earlier ago." Then suddenly cartman enter the classroom with little bit angry expression on his face toward his desk to sit down with everyone looking at him with funny expression on their faces.

Cartman: "shut it, isn't funny."

Kyle: "it's funny."

Then suddenly female hippo pokemon, hippopotus enter the classroom toward cartman desk to look at him when delivered yawn bubble from her mouth straight to cartman in a second and pop make him falling asleep on his desk and she turned around begins exit the classroom to turn right of hallway.

Mr. Garrison: "I didn't see that coming."

Token: "yeah, but it's pretty funny."

Pokemon universe 3 at 11:45 pm: lumiose city, kalos region: professor Sycamore laboratory

Marian walking in the corridor toward her bedroom in few inches away for from bathroom for a moment until stop to sense someone behind her in 5 feet away and she turned around to masked teenager boy with EE-3 carbine rifle in hands to aim at her directly until she give out a huge yell, "ALAIN, PROFESSOR!" Both of them exit their room begins turned right begins running in the hallway toward Marian location for a second and stop in horror to see Marian laying down on the floor with burnt mark blast on the chest.

Alain: "Marian!"

"Hahaha hahaha!"

They look up to see masked teenager in 7 feet away with ee-3 carbine rifle on his hands make Alain very angry at him, "you responsible for this, you masked bastard!" He turned around begins running away in the hallway from them until Alain begins chasing him while professor stay with marian.

Alain: "stop right there."

He noticed him turn left in the hallway and decided turned left too to get masked figure but he vanished in thin air.

Alain: "where'd he go?"


He turned around to see professor Sycamore approach him with sad expression and got tears pouring down on the cheeks, "I'm sorry, she's gone!" He collapsed on the floor with both knees touching to see his best friend dead by masked teenager and make him mad as move his left hand at the wall use unknown force really hard broke through the wall.

Professor Sycamore: "don't use the force on the wall in anger, alian."

[New chapter is out for today]

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