dendra morning plan

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Mesagoaza city, paldea region in original Pokemon universe at 6:15 am- dendra house.

In the bedroom with sleepy dendra and Miriam snuggle each other in a second when dendra begins open her eyes to look down at her girlfriend who rested her head on chest begins wake up with eyes open to look up at dendra got a smile on her face.

Dendra: "morning beautiful.'

Miriam: " You too cutie. What's the plan for Friday."

Dendra: "i got class for 1st and 2nd period, carry box with tools to section 17 garage and after that, we should explore canterlot city for first time."

Miriam: "great, did captain sentry let you do that."

Dendra: "yup."

Miriam: "that's sweet for him."

She climb on dendra stomach begins stand in all fours to reveal half naked with dd-cup breasts above dendra face begins cupped on right breast and use her hand to grabbed another one, she sucking and gropping make Miriam moan of pleasure with tongue stick up from her mouth.

Miriam: "oooh....babe keep going."

She pinch and pull the nipples with her finger make Miriam moan really loud and said, "dendra.....ugh, it's soo good." In a minute, she felt something inside her breasts and warn her girlfriend, "I'm gonna cum, ugh... Any minute." She latch off the nipple begins groping the breasts with both hands really hard make Miriam moan of pleasure load and scream, "HERE IT COMES!!!" She sprayed milk everywhere in a minute and stop she collapsed on top of dendra with heavy breathing and sweats pouring down.

Miriam: "I love you strong woman."

Dendra: "hehe I love you too beautiful."

Flash sentry original universe at 5:15 am

Canterlot city neighborhood-Patricia house

Kate Patricia bedroom with Kate still sleeping in her bed for a moment until she wake up to staring at the ceiling begins thinking herself

Kate: "(thought) I'm very excited for tomorrow to face max maple and earn my first badge."

She lean up from her bed with half covers down to reveal red lace bra because she slept half naked until she unhook her bra to let her breasts bounced freely from their prison and toss them at left side of bed, she begins lay back down again as she put her hands on the breasts and begins to folding and squeezes cause her moan of pleasure in joyful.

Kate: "(whisper) Whitney."

She pinch the nipples with her fingers make moan of pleasure with tongue sticking out and whispers to herself, "oooh, Whitney..ugh..Whitney. Yes, yes, yes. "In a minute, she give out silent scream to spray milk upward to the ceiling like running out of fire hose and stop with Kate grabbed the blanket and covered herself weakly.

[New chapter is out for today]

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