meet arc scouts team

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Owl house universe 2 at 8:15 am

Both of Samuel and Daz standing in front of hexside school of magic and demonics begin to meet their arc scouts team today as begin walking up the stairs and entered inside of school to noticed principal bump walk towards them while being accompanied by snealser and armarouge.

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Principal bump: "you two must be daz and Samuel that captain arlelt told me about since last night, correct

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Principal bump: "you two must be daz and Samuel that captain arlelt told me about since last night, correct."

Samuel/daz: "yes."

Principal bump: "excellent follow us to teacher lounge that going to meet your arc scouts team."

Samuel: "of course."

They follow the trio toward teacher lounge when principal bump look back at them with smile, "mayor mare college friend, gecko kuro from japony staying at canterlot city for thirteen days." Daz replied, "that's great I hope captain sentry and heads of section let mr. Kuro explore their underneath government facility."

Samuel: "you're right daz."

They then arrived and enter teacher lounge to see colt grice and marine sitting in a chair or standing who's noticed to see Samuel linke Jackson and daz enter the teacher lounge and colt said to Samuel with little bit surprise, "so you're the captain of arc scouts right." Samuel replied, "that's correct we need getting along as a team help every sections defeated unknown enemy." Marine to give a nod and said to her new captain with kindness, "you got it cap."

Colt: "how's other me from attack on universe 5 been."

Samuel: "he's great as section 44 detective and dating cart titan shifter, pieck finger."

Colt shock and yelled, "he dated pieck finger from their universe that I'm really jealous right now." Make snealser drop on the floor begin laughing about colt jealous about his other self dating pieck finger too as well and Samuel said to colt with calm, "don't worry I hope you find a girl very soon."

Marine: "I'm dating beautiful girl from postwick, galar region. Her name is Gloria, she's really annoying sometimes but I love her so much."

[New chapter is out for today]

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