danger and live steamer time

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Levnica city, paldea region at 4:23 pm-lono apartment in levnica city

Iono sitting in the couch along with pair of magnemite shape hair pins at left side being join by bellibolt. Iono wearing yellow off shoulder shirt to expose left shoulder blade and medium blue leggings. They watching TV together until heard a knock on the door by someone outside of her apartment door.

Iono: "I'll get it."

She get off the couch with her both feet touched on blue lavender carpet floor begin walking towards the door and stop, she said to a person from outside with little bit polite, "who is it?" Unknown person begin to speak with female voice by familiar woman, "it's me beautiful, I got poppy with me." She got huge grin in her face as she unlocked the door and pull the door backward wide to reveal rika in regular clothes and poppy standing in front door.

Iono: "hey cutie, hey squirt."

Poppy: "hi miss. Iono."

She let them inside of apartment and closed the door with her butt, she turned around to lock the door a second and turned around to her girlfriend with romantic expression on her face while poppy sitting in the couch with iono magnemite hair clips, she said to rika, "what are you two doing here."

Rika: "hanging out with you guys for a while and heading home after that.'

Iono: "That's great, babe, so you and poppy going to watch me having pokemon battle against dinky doo next Sunday."

Rika: "you know it hotstuff, I hope not those Hengemen will show up to interrupt the pokemon battle what solon and captain sentry told me about it."

Poppy: "they're really meanies."

Both of magnemite hair clips nodded their heads to agree with poppy and including bellibolt.

Iono: "that's right squirt."

She placed her hand on her girlfriend stomach to feel 6 pack abs inside regular blue shirt and look up at her with charming look, she then said to her, "let's go to my little bit soundproof bedroom." Rika smile and said, "of course cutie." She turned around at poppy on the couch, "me and iono getting alone time at her bedroom so don't brother us alright and turned up the volume a bit, sounds good kiddo."

Poppy: "you got it Ms. Rika."

Rika carrying iono onto her arms in bride style toward her open bedroom and then rika closed the door behind them with right foot, poppy grabbed the remote on coach left arm with her hand to change the channel for them in a second and found a channel and turned up the volume a bit

Man: "up next is kanto ninja warrior!"

Poppy: "yes, best show ever."

Iono shove to the bed in the front with her head on the pillow cause her dd-cup breasts jiggle inside her shirt with rika on top of her, they begin making out with eyes closed while moaning and tongue action in few minute. They stop kissing and they separate each other to breathe with their eyes open to stare each other.

Iono: "I love you my danger Lupunny."

Rika: "I love you too, hot stuff. And captain sentry is okay with me for take you and poppy at section 17 for first time on Thursday noon at 11:00 am in his universe."

Iono: "great, babe."

Rika getting up bit for her lean up to take off her shirt to reveal beautiful slim body with soft and round breasts bounced freely from their prison, she lay back down om the pillow for rika place her hands in both breasts begin massaging them to hear delightful moan of pleasure from iono with erotic expression.

Iono: "oooh, rika....kept going."

She pinch and twist the nipple with her fingers make iono moan of pleasure little bit loud and she begin blush so hard on her face like a tamato berry in a moment, until she felt something inside of breasts and warn rika, "my...danger Lupunny, ugh..I'm gonna cum any minute." She groped on both breasts really hard make iono give small scream as spray milk everywhere like a running out of control firehouse in a second and stop, she begin heavy breathing and sweat pouring down on her forehead. They begin taking rest of their clothes off and they went underneath the covers with iono on top of her and they begin making out again as rika take her a ride with blissful moan that filled up the bedroom from them.

Uva academy at 4:35 pm

Zeke walking in the hallway toward his dorm room a minute and stop to see Rosa walk up to him with a smile and said, "hey Zekey how are you doing."

Zeke: "great, I'm doing my homework at my room for Mr. Salvatore, ms. Tyme, rarifort, and mr. Jacq class."

Rosa: "great, this weekend, you and me having picnic together at outside of city at 2:35 pm as our 1st date."

Zeke: "sure, sounds good."

Rosa: "great, see you Zeke because I'm doing my homework at my room as well."

Both of them walk pass by to each other toward their dorm rooms doing their homework, then suddenly at director office with clavell at his desk with RJ standing in front.

Clavell: "I see, atticus, the leader of Nova battle star help you and Xander defeat parrot top while rest of your friends fighting against Hengemen, correct."

RJ: "yes sir."

Clavell smile: "that's great for him to helping you two defeats parrot top. Tomorrow at 9:15 am, you and the Boulder go to port marinda at west paldean sea because there small cargo boat heading over there with medium size crates of everything inside of auction house because harbor crew might scare for four team star segin squad might take the stuff inside the crates to their base. Don't failed me, Mr. James."

RJ: "I won't sir."

[New chapter is out for today]

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