interrogation #2: daisy wallflower

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Aot universe 5

Marley, liberio at 1:45 pm

Inside the briefing room with commander magath and the rest staring two pictures of grace Yvonne face hanging on medium bulletin rolling board along with lexie bunny, Georgia, and Dr. Burns at right side of room.

Commander magath: "someone is half cyborg hybrid with robotic shoulder got razor shape like fingers kill Ms. Yvonne at right side of the face quick and including her fletching too."

Lexi: "I believe so mr. Magath."

Knock knock knock

Commander magath: "enter."

Some person opening the doors forward to reveal lord Willy tybur willow wife, Madison tybur enter the room to see all the papers on the desks and including rolling bulletin board who become confused and said, "did I interrupted something? "

Commander magath: "nope, what do you need something Mrs. Tybur."

Madison: "well, I was walking in the hallway toward your briefing room and talked about revenge plan on island devil but I saw 21 yrs old girl with long Golden Hazel hair staring at door in 5 feet away, I think she need talk with you too."

She look at girl from outside of briefing room and said to her with kindness, "come in sweetheart." The girl entered the briefing room to reveal misty sister, Daisy wallflower with sad expression on her face.

Commander magath: "you must be misty wallflower, sister

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Commander magath: "you must be misty wallflower, sister. Correct."

Daisy: "yes sir."

Commander magath: "take a seat please, oh Mrs. Tybur, if you kind to close the door, please."

Madison: "of course, sir."

When Mrs. Tybur toward the door to closed as daisy begins sitting in the chair middle of briefing room while koslow sitting in a chair at left side of table got note pad and pencil in both hands as commander magath in front of her at 5 feet, he begins to speak with kindness, "so daisy, you're eldiest sister of 3 sisters, correct."

Daisy: "yes sir, we're take over at cerulean city gym as gym leaders in cerulean city, kanto region."

Commander magath: "really."

Daisy: "that's right."

Commander magath: "how do you know about your sister, misty wallflower death."

Daisy: "since 3 months ago from my universe, she found died downing in pallet town park lake by unknown person, we're broke in tears to hear that."

Madison: "oh dear, I'm sorry about your loss, honey."

Commander magath: "I see, what your two sisters doing right now."

Daisy: "they're feeding dinner to our water types pokemon and including misty Pokemon too inside the gym at 5:20 pm but they still heartbroken thou and don't know about unknown person to kill our little sister."

Commander magath give a sigh as Lexi  bunny handed a file to him and open up to grab the picture of Serena Yvonne and give it to daisy by hand and begin to speak, "this is the person who killed your sister, her name is Serena Yvonne from vaniville town, kalos region and she got mental illness called boarderline personality disorder since birth." Daisy is paralyzed in fear staring at the picture of Serena Yvonne while little bit shaking and she's the one who killed her sister by downing in pallet town park lake and commander magath continue to speak again, "she gone without a trace everywhere in kalos region by two people who saved her inside the house after killed her mother, fletching, and rhyhorn in the process." Daisy begin to cry little bit and confront by Madison tybur until commander magath said to her with claim, "don't worry, doctor burns will find her and make cure with the help of dr. Fate as normal girl."

Doctor burns: "that's right my dear, I'll find her in all cost."

Daisy look up at him still got tears on her eyes with happiness and anger mixed, "okay, if you find her and let me kick her ass what she did to my sister." Commander magath little bit smile, "of course my dear and you know ash Ketchum."

Daisy: "yes, he's a great friend of my sister, why."

Commander magath: "he been kidnapped by a woman name ravess at Kanto region since last Friday night to went somewhere."

Madison: "poor boy, I hope he's okay."

Daisy: "you guys will find him soon, please."

Doctor burns: "we will my dear."

Pokemon universe 3 at 5:30 pm

Vermilion beach with Horace staring at the ocean from edge of wire wall got a tear on his eye but he didn't realize there someone behind at 3 feet and he quickly wipe out his tear and turned around to someone is shadowkhan in front of him and Horace said to him with confused, "hello.....may I help you?"

Aot universe 5 at 11:43 am

Serena at the room with several Marley public security while sitting at end of sitting with legs up and shaping her knife on a brick, she got smile on her face and said, "oh boy, I'm very excited to trick goh like that with fooling your friend is dead, hahaha." Several Marley public securitys staring down at the papers in fear, one of them said to them, "when Sgt. Gross and others send eldian restoration to Paradis island."

Marley public security #2: "tomorrow afternoon at 5:30 pm, that's mean you going with them over there."

Marley public security#1: "good."

Then suddenly shadowkhan come out from the shadow to enter briefing room with Horace by hand who confused what's going on when Serena step up of surprise walk toward him and said, "hello Horace, it's okay I can use your phone to call someone while two Marley public security tied you up."

Horace scared: "huh?"

Marley public security #1: "sorry kid, just business."

Original Pokemon universe

Levinic city, kalos region at 8:20 am

Gabi, yamper, fletching, Falco, and Gabi sitting round coach just watching TV while nicoolo cooking breakfast in the kitchen, in the moment Gabi rotom phone floating in mid-air went sideways to reveal video chat from mikasa Ackerman and Gabi press the button to make the screen appeared with mikasa Ackerman is outside in trost district HQ courtyard with Connie Springer got smile on their faces see Gabi and the others.

Mikasa: "good morning squirt, morning guys."

Sasha: "s'up mikasa."

Yamper: "yamper."

Falco: "hey."

Fletching: "fletching."

Nicoolo: "hey."

Gabi: "morning Ms. Ackerman, morning Mr. Springer."

Connie: "you too kiddo."

Mikasa: "what's your plan today."

Gabi: "taking a tour at uva academy in megagoza city at 10:21 am and after that we're going shopping in the city."

Connie: "not bad kid."

Mikasa: "that awesome squirt."

[New chapter is out for today]

Original universes times

Flash Sentry original universe at 2:55 am

Original Pokemon universe at 8:20 am

Armin arlelt original universe at 2:55 am

Lisa Simpson original universe at 5:00 am

MLP original universe at 2:30 am

Fry and leela original universe at 7:56 am

Webby venderquack original universe at 11:00 am

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