goh idea

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Vermillion city school at 10:06 am on the break before 2nd period started with goh grabbed something inside his locker for 2nd period.

"Hey goh."

He stop turn left to see his friend, Horace wearing same uniform as him and got still scared expression and goh said, "still scared about Serena jokes, huh." Horace replied, "yeah, I don't like her new friends as well from that universe, I wish I'm brave to fight them." Then goh got a idea for his best friend and said, "come with me during after school there someone I know to teach you can fight against baddies." Horace give small smile on his face to come with goh during after school and said, "of course goh!"

Aot universe 5 at 10:20 am

Trost district, wall rose

Louise and mikasa walked through the market for a while before heading to scout regiment HQ, and mikasa said to her girlfriend with little bit surprise, "hey babe, I been thinking lot lately in 4 days ago when squirt and the others come back from paldea region in original pokemon universe and decided take her lake valor Wallace cup tournament at lake valor in pokemon universe 2 in two weeks."

Louise: "good idea honey. We're great parental guardians for Gabi."

Mikasa sly: "damn right babe. I'm perfect role model to her."

Liberio, Marley

Marleyan HQ in commander magath office with commander magath already told Gabi parents about Gabi having a blast at paldea region in original pokemon universe but both Gabi and falco being supervised by the others including mikasa, Louise, Sasha, and nicoolo are parental guardians to them make them very happy about it.

Gabi mom: "this mikasa Ackerman person is a great role model for Gabi who looked up to."

Gabi dad: "yeah. And thanks you for telling us, commander magath."

Commander magath: "anytime you two."

Knock knock knock

Commander magath: "come in."

The door open forward really wide to reveal female team star poison grunt with 16 yrs old light skin and wearing uva academy uniform as she entered the office and said, "commander, there someone want to join section 44, it's goh friend, Horace because he went to fight against unknown energy goons." Commander magath smile pride and said, "good, who want revenge on Serena too as well. Oh there any old friends and rival's of ash Ketchum who talked about him."

Female team star poison grunt: "yes there one person know ash Ketchum, it's Richie. He's friend/rival to him."

Commander magath: "talk with him at section 44 interrogation room."

Female team star poison grunt: "yes commander."

[New chapter is out for today]

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