team up with arachnid

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Pokemon universe 2 at 12:15 am in petalburg city.

On medium size building with girl arachnid and phantom Fletchiner who's standing at edge of building searching for crime

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On medium size building with girl arachnid and phantom Fletchiner who's standing at edge of building searching for crime.

Girl arachnid: "soo there someone do you like at your universe, kid."

Phantom Fletchiner got light blush on her cheeks and said to girl arachnid with polite, "it's falco grice, I got a crush on him since we were little ever since." Girl arachnid replied, "that's great kiddo, did you tell him about it in Levinica city yet."

Phantom Fletchiner: "not yet until dinky and iono pokemon battle next sunday."

Girl arachnid: "atta girl."

Then she got spider sense tingling begins look down below to see clock king and his two goons walked in the sidewalk toward closed clock shop, she look at phantom Fletchiner with smug expression on her face inside the mask, "it showtime, kiddo."

Clock king and his goons walk up in front of clock shop door was about to break in for a moment until a web come out of nowhere to catch tick to the glass begin sticking.

"Sorry clock king, you running out of time to rob some clocks."

Both of them turned around to see girl arachnid and phantom Fletchiner standing in middle of the street, and clock said to girl arachnid with anger, "girl arachnid! Some nerve you came here in petalburg city to stop us with your sidekick or whatever." Girl arachnid replied, "she's not my sidekick. She's my partner."

Phantom Fletchiner: "yup."

Both of them running toward them begins fighting in the street. Somewhere in hotel room at second floor with someone turned on the light toward the window to see what's going on to reveal Roxanne who's little bit surprise to see 4 four people fighting each other in the streets.

Girl arachnid in front of clock king to deliver an kung fu move, "double stubborn mudray kick!" He collapsed on the floor backwards become unconscious and girl arachnid make a pun, "that's kick of the time there." Phantom Fletchiner giggles about girl arachnid time pun while Dodge the punches from tock in a second and delivered with kung fu move, "heracross punch!" She delivered a punch in the nose cause tock collapse on the pavement hard and become unconscious.

Phantom Fletchiner: "hit snooze button on his face make him stop ringing."

Girl arachnid: "good one kiddo."

Roxanne: "(thought) best pun ever."

Phantom Fletchiner: "thanks girl arachnid."

Tick: "hahaha, that's funny right there."

Girl arachnid: "next Sunday midnight at great lake City in same time, you team up with phantom scout and mighty panther."

Phantom Fletchiner: "sounds good to me, girl arachnid."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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