Chapter 32

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"Ah, I was going to say he really loves me. I'm happy." I do my best to show everyone a smile, despite how my body wanted to react.

"Well at least you're both happy. That's all that really matters."

Everyone turns back to the TV. I give Kenny an annoyed look.

"Shh... You did great. It was cute seeing you try to stay calm. Although the redness in your face is a bit hard to miss."

I stand up and walk to the kitchen, playfully punching Kenny on my way out.

Kenny and his friends all continue to hang out. They eat cake, open gifts, and all around have a good time.

Karen and I watch from the kitchen.

"I'm glad he is having fun..." I smile at the group.

"Yeah. I haven't seen him this happy in a while. I think you had a good effect on him."

"I hope so. He has definitely had a good effect on me. My life has been so much better since I started hanging out with him."

"I found a place for me and Kevin to stay tonight."

"Thank you..."

"No problem. I expect a beautiful breakfast in the morning for all my hard work."

"Don't worry, it'll be amazing."


His friends all start to leave around 9 pm. I get more and more nervous as time passes. I'm not sure if I'll be able to pull it off.

Karen pats my shoulder, "Kenny is resting in his room. Kevin and I are heading out. It's all you now. Good luck."

I nod and they leave.

This isn't the first time I've been completely alone with Kenny, but it still feels embarrassing. I hope he likes my present.

I brush my teeth and then knock on Kenny's door. He tells me to come in and I sit on his bed next to his feet.

"Did you have fun today, babe?"

He smiles, "I like when you call me cute names. And yes. Today was awesome."

"I'm glad! Did you like all your presents?"

"Yeah. I don't care much for material things but it is kinda nice to get some cool stuff every once in a while."

"I have a present for you too, I wanted to wait until all your friends were gone to give it to you."

"What is it?"

"Well... first... are you tired?"

"Not much. A bit worn out but I have enough energy. Why?"

"Cause your present might wear you out more."

"What are you talking about? What's the present?" He sits up to look at me.

I gulp and take a deep breath, then I look up at him, my expression is lust.


"Lay down..."

He follows my instructions and slowly lies back down on his bed.

Here goes nothing.

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