Chapter 64

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Kenny nudges me awake in the morning. I open my eyes to see that he's fully dressed.

"Hey, sleepyhead. My friends and I are going prom shopping together. I'll be back after lunch."

"Mmm" I nod and close my eyes again. I'm not a morning person.

I get out of bed around 11 am. I usually sleep in pretty late on weekends. Karen is up watching tv and eating cereal.

"Good morning, Karen."

"Morning." She mumbles through a mouth full of cereal.

"Is Kenny still prom shopping?"

"Yeah. About that, do you want to go prom shopping with me? I need a dress."

"I would love that! What places sell prom dresses?"

"Thrift stores or boutiques."

"I've got enough saved for us to check out a boutique."

"When should we go?"

"We can go once Kenny gets home if you want. It's a bit far so we need transportation."

"Okay, let's do it."

I grab some toast and watch cartoons with Karen until Kenny gets home.

Karen turns to me and smiles. "You know, Kenny used to have nightmares."


"Yeah. Recurring dreams that he would die in horrible painful ways and no one would remember. He would wake up screaming sometimes."

"I didn't know that..."

"They stopped happening after he met you. It's like you cleared his head for him. He's been happier than ever."

"Really? I did all that?"

"Yeah. He really loves you... I hope Kate will love me that much someday."

"I'm sure she will. You really like her, don't you?"

"I do... she just says what she thinks and does what she wants. I look up to her a lot for that."

I ruffle her hair, "Looks like someone's in love~"

"Oh, shut up! You have no room to speak! I see you zoning out at Kenny. I can practically read the word 'fantasizing' on your forehead."

I blush, "You could tell?"

"Everyone can! Even him. He told me that he thinks it's cute. It's like you're writing a Wattpad story with your mind as you go along. You're definitely the cheesy type."

"I guess you're right... it's a bit embarrassing though..."

"I know how you feel. I guess we both fell pretty hard, huh."

"We did..."

Kenny comes back with a big paper bag. It looks pretty nice. I wonder what his suit looks like.

"Kenny! How was it?"

"Good. Stan spent forever choosing his suit because Wendy had a lot of requirements. Kyle, Cartman and I all chose ours pretty quick."

"Eric was there?"

"Yeah. He's being better. He calls you by your name and correct gender pronouns now, I think I scared him enough. It was funny seeing him try on suits, none of them fit right."

"Do Kyle and Cartman have dates?"

"Kyle said he does but he won't tell us who, and Cartman is going with his mom. She insisted."

"That's funny."


"Hey so we were gonna go prom shopping as well. Would you mind dropping us off at Blue Boutique?"

"That should be fine, let me hide my stuff first."


"Oh, by the way, I got you a corsage."

"Ah. I'll pick up a boutonnière then."

"Be right back."

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