Book 2 Chapter 19

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The snow crunches as we walk down the sidewalk. There's some snow plows out but most cars are still covered in snow. No one wants to go out today.

I can see my breath, I like how it looks. I turn to see if I can see Kenny's too, he looks back at me and half smiles. "What's up?"

"Oh, I just wanted to see if I could see your breath."


"I think it looks nice."


I quickly turn forward again. My face feels like it's on fire. All because of one word.

"So where exactly did you end up after you moved out?"

I point to an apparent building in the distance. "That one. My moms helping me pay for it."

"Looks nice."

"Are you guys still at the house?"

"Yep. Kevin moved out but Karen and I are stuck with our parents until I can find something better."

"My apartment has some open units, it's a bit pricey though..."

"I think I saw the listing online, definitely out of my price range. I wish I had someone like you have your mom to pay for yours."

"I still have to work a bit to pay for some, but she's definitely a big help."

We get to my apartment. I take out my key card and open the front gate. "Hey... do you wanna come in? I can make hot cocoa."

"I'd love to."

As we step into my small apartment he looks around. "It's nicer than I thought. The decorations are very... you."

"Is that bad?"

"No, it's cute."

God, he needs to stop saying that...

"Uhm... you can sit on the sofa while I make the cocoa! It'll be just a minute or two but I'm right over here if you need me!"

He nods. "Okay."

His voice is so hot... why can't I stop thinking about every little thing I like about him? And why now of all times? When he's in my apartment...

After I finish up the two cups of hot chocolate, I put little pink heart shaped marshmallows in them.

I hand one to Kenny and sit next to him. He smiles at the cup. "Cute."

Stop doing that...

I take a sip. "Ahhh... it's so warm..."

He also takes a sip, then another, and another. He always devours whatever I make for him.

"Kenny... you're cute."

He looks up at me.

I flinch. "I-oh! Is it okay if I say that? Some guys don't like being called cute..."

"No... that's okay. I'm cool with it."

"Oh... good."

We sit in silence for a bit, I try to drink as quietly as I can.

Once we both finish he turns to face me on the couch.

"Hmm?" I tilt my head.

"You're hot." He smiles.

I feel my face go red.

"Is it okay if I say that?"

I nod slowly.


My stomach is filled with butterflies. My heart is racing. I'm not fooling anyone.

I'm still in love with him.

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