Chapter 37

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I sit down across from the new kid. Clyde starts talking about the project, he is a really boring guy. I miss Kenny's table already.

"Do you usually sit with the group over there? You keep looking over at them."

That voice sounds so familiar...

"Yeah. My boyfriend is over there and he usually has me sit next to him."

"How long have you two been together?"

"A little over a month maybe?"



The new kid continues to talk to me, it's nice to tune Clyde out. He started talking about hooters at some point.

"What do you do for fun?" The new kid continues.

"Hmm... I don't do much..."

"Why not?"

"I just don't really have any talents... I mean, I would love to learn to sew or something creative like that..."

"I can teach you!"

"You sew?"

"Yep. I actually made the outfit I'm wearing right now."

"Amazing! I never would've guessed!"

"Thanks! Here, take my number. I'll text you about it sometime."

I smile and enter his number into my phone. I'm not too used to making friends so it's a bit shocking when I do.

When the lunch bell rings Kenny finds me, "Hey..." he looks around at my table. "Why did you sit at this table full of boys instead of with me?"

"Your table is only boys too..."

"Well at least one of them is me... I missed you, lunch is boring without you."

"I'll sit with you another day, so don't worry!"

"Okay... I'll see you after school, sound good?"

"Yep! See you later!"

He leaves and the new kid steps up, "Was that him? Your boyfriend?"

"Yeah. Sorry he can be a bit overprotective, but I'm the same way."

"It's okay. I'll get going now. Text me!"


After school Karen and I talk about how our days went. I tell her about the new kid and my encounter with him.

"Interesting... You said his name was Dave, right?"


"And he wants to teach you to sew? Are you gonna accept the offer?"

"I think so... I don't have many friends and he seems nice."

"Kenny isn't gonna like the idea of you hanging out with another guy..."

"I plan on talking to him about it tonight. We decided to call later so I'll bring it up then."

Karen sighs, "I hope I can find a relationship like the one you guys have..."

"You will. You're one of the most amazing people I've met. Any guy who gets to know you will probably fall in love with you. Just give it time."

"Thanks..." she seems a bit bothered by what I said... did I say something wrong?


Just before I go to bed I call Kenny. I take a deep breath. It's no big deal, I'm just gonna ask him how he feels about me hanging out with Dave. It's not like I'm asking to see other people, just want to make a friend. I'm sure he'll understand.

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