Book 2 Chapter 29

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Bradley whispers in my ear. "Hey, that's your ex, right?"

I nod slowly, my eyes locked on Kenny just as tightly as his are locked on me.

"Are you gonna be okay?"

"I'll be fine... I'm over him." I turn to Bradley and smile, kissing his cheek all too deliberately, knowing Kenny is watching. "I have you here to come to my rescue if anything goes wrong..."

"Yeah... I'll be here for you."

"Thank you..."

The class starts like any first class would, we get a rundown of the class material, tests, assignments, and textbooks.

The teacher announces that the school is having a formal dinner to celebrate being the top college in our district. Everyone can bring a plus one. Bradley looks at me as soon as he hears that.

I smile at him and whisper. "Together?"

He blushes. "Yeah."

I wonder if Kenny is going with Bebe...


The day of the dinner arrives much faster than I had thought it would. Karen helped me pick a formal dress for the occasion. She told me that Kenny and Kevin are doing well which makes me feel bittersweet, I miss living with them all.

My dress is long and modest, with puffy mesh sleeves that make me feel like a garden fairy. Bradley picks me up in his car and we drive together to the dinner. I'm not sure why but I'm a bit nervous for this.

When we arrive the room is already full. It's a buffet type bar and a few dozen round tables with off-white tablecloths. All of the school facility and district members are here along with more than half of the student body. I really didn't expect this many people.

Bradley and I go around saying hello to everyone we knew from the holiday committee. No one seems to be judging me for my... slip up at the last party. Though I suspect some of them are keeping an eye out incase I do it again.

This many eyes on me is making me feel even more nervous. Almost nauseous...

"The only people we haven't greeted from the committee are Kenny and Bebe... we can skip them if you want." Bradley looks at me sympathetically.

"No... it's okay. I'll be ok." I cling tightly to his arm and stare ahead, determined to get this right. "Let's go."

He laughs. "Okay. If you're sure."

We approach the couple, and as we do, Kenny looks surprised. I doubt he was expecting me to speak to him at all. Once we get closer his face morphs to a polite smile. I know him well enough by now to understand that smile is more than forced.

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