Book 2 Chapter 11

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"Now then, why don't we all sit in a circle and discuss what we thought of." The teacher announces to everyone after about 15 minutes.

Kenny's group goes up first. They recommended a talent show for the town with a Christmas theme. While they presented their idea I learned the girl Kenny paired up with was named Bebe Stevens. She went to school with us but had a huge glow up after high school I guess. I can't deny she's gorgeous.

Kenny looks happy. I'm glad.

But I'm also a little bit bitter.

Why are we acting like strangers? We don't hate each other... at least I don't... but Kenny probably moved on... for all I know he and that girl...

I need to stop thinking about it, I'll end up overthinking and making everything worse.

I can't stop looking at Kenny. I keep catching myself staring. I hope he doesn't notice.

It's my groups turn. Bradley goes up first and I follow. Kenny is looking down. He won't look at me.

"Marj? Do you wanna explain it?" Bradley asks.

Kenny's expression changed when he said that. Is it because 'Marj' is so close to his nickname for me, 'Mar'? I want to tell him that he's the only one I'd let call me Mar...

"Yeah, I'll do it."

I project confidently to the group, doing everything I can to not look at Kenny.

I miss him.

So, so much.

I have never missed someone more in my life.

And here he is, right in-front of me, and we are acting like we don't even know each other.

I love him so much...

"Thanks, you two! Good ideas all around!" The teacher smiles. "I'll discuss these with the school and we will hold a vote tomorrow afternoon. Same time as today. You're all excused, drive home safe."

I should catch Kenny before he leaves... I wanna talk to him...

"Ke-" I start but I'm suddenly interrupted.

"Marj! Do you walk home?" Bradley beams.

"Yeah, I do."

"Me too! I wonder if we go the same way? I take the first left."

"Oh, me too!"

"Should we walk together?"

I look over my shoulder. Kenny has already left. "Yeah, I guess we can do that. It'll be nice to have the company."


We walk down the snowy roads together. Bradley is a good guy but I wish I had gotten the chance to talk to Kenny.

I take out my phone as we walk.

Before I even know what's happening, my phone slips from my hands and falls into a cold puddle of slush on the side of the road.

"No... no no not my phone..." I quickly pick it up and try to turn it on but it's no use.

Bradley tried to help me recover my phone but after trying for almost an hour I decided I will just have to give up and buy a new phone.

A phone that won't have Kenny's phone number...

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