Book 2 Chapter 2

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"Karen, he may be my boyfriend, but you'll always be my best friend. Nothing will change that."


"Promise. Now stop being mad at Kenny. He loves you more than anything, so he gets really sad when you're upset with him. Especially when you don't tell him why."

"How am I supposed to tell him that I'm jealous that he gets more time with his girlfriend than I do..."

"The same way you told me. It's easy, you just have to get it out of the way. I'm sure he'll understand."


Karen and I start making dinner, it's an easy but tedious recipe, but it's one of my favorites.

Once we get it in the oven I wash my hands and sigh. It might sound weird, but I'm really enjoying how my sighs sound now that I'm on estrogen, much more feminine.

The door opens, and both me and Karen turn to face the door. Kenny just got home.

I walk over to him and kiss him as he comes in. "Welcome home!"

"Thanks, Mar. Are you two fixing up dinner?"

"Yep! Should be ready in 30 minutes or so."

Kenny goes to the counter after setting his backpack down and taking off his shoes. "Hey, Karen. How was school?"

Karen looks at me, then looks down. I think I got the signal.

"I think you two should have a talk, I'm gonna go style that new wig I got."

I wave to them and go to the bathroom, putting in my headphones to listen to music while I work.  

Kenny's POV:

Karen looks nervous... I hope everything is okay...

"What's up, Karen?"

She fiddles with her fingers, similar to how Mar does. "Uhm... I'm sure you've noticed that I've been a bit short with you lately..."


"Well uhm... me and my girlfriend broke up..."

"Oh no... are you doing okay..?"

I admit I'm just a bit happy they broke up.

"I'm fine. I didn't actually like her, I liked someone else. Anyway, with her gone, I've been wanting to spend more time with my best friend, and uhm... because you two are dating I feel like you get all of her time..."

"Oh... sorry I didn't know you felt that way... I can work it out with her so you two can have more time together. Would that make you feel better?"


I'm confused. "No? Why no?"

"That isn't the only problem. Kenny, the girl... I mean... the girl I like..."


"Damn it!" She rubs her forehead.


"I like Marjorine!"

What...? What... Did she just say? She... likes... Mar?

My little sister likes Mar. my little sister likes my girlfriend...

I use my arm to prop myself up on the counter, I almost lost my balance. "You like her..? You... like like her?"

"I do... but don't think I'm going to try and steal her or anything, you guys are graduated now and I'm still a sophomore, plus I can't go for my brother's girlfriend... I know it wouldn't work. I've known it wouldn't work for a long time..."


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