Chapter 42

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"Fine. I'll come over. Let me stop at a pharmacy to get some medicine and I'll be there."

"Thank you so much!"


I buy some medicine, soup, a thermometer, and some cool patches so he can cool down. It's all about 60 bucks.

Karen let's me into her house. I stand in front of Kenny's bedroom door. I'm nervous. But he needs me. Even if I'm mad at him I still... I still love him...

I open the door.

I can hear his breathing as soon as I step in, it's heavy, it sounds like he's struggling. I look down at him, his face is red and he looks like he's in pain.


He barely opens his eyes, they flutter a bit. I get my thermometer and take his temperature. 103 degrees.

"Oh shit..."

This is really bad, he needs to go to a hospital but... I know his family can't afford that... damn it.

"Okay Kenny... I'm gonna try to fix this, but you have to fight too, okay?"

He only slightly moves his head. I think he can hear me but I don't think he can comprehend that it's me. Poor Kenny...

"It's gonna be okay..."

I pour him some medicine and feed it to him, followed my some water.

"You should take a lukewarm bath, Kenny. It'll help cool you off. Can you get up?"


I guess not...

"Okay. I'll be right back. Your medicine should kick in soon, it'll help with the pain."

I get a wet cloth and return to him. I take his blanket off and lift his shirt up to his shoulders. Once I apply the cloth to his chest he exhales, does this feel good? I run the cloth over his torso. His breathing is calming down, that's good.

I put a cold patch on his forehead. It seems like the medicine is starting to put him to sleep.

Once he doses off I change his cold patch and go to the kitchen to make him some soup. Karen is sitting at the table.

"How is he?"

"He's doing fine right now, he just fell asleep."

"You got him to sleep? I've been trying to get him to sleep for the past 12 hours..."

"It's probably the medicine. It has melatonin in it. I'm gonna make some soup for him, do you want any?"


"Are you okay..?"

"Yeah... I'm just a bit sad that you two are fighting. Your tone right now seems so... different. I can tell you're worried but it also feels like you're annoyed..."

I sigh. "Sorry, Karen..."

"Why did you guys split up..?"

"He was jumping to conclusions or something... I don't really remember."

"If you don't remember then why are you guys still apart? He needs you."

"I... I don't know. I guess I've been too caught up in being the bigger person that I didn't really think about it... I just wanted to be right."

"Did you ever consider that you're both wrong?"

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