Chapter 41

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I take a deep breath. "Kenny, we should take a break."


"You need to leave. As of right now our relationship is on hold until further notice. You need to think. I don't think I can be with someone who can threaten someone who needs help. Go home."



His posture slumps, and his eyes start to tear up. It hurts so bad to see him like this. But I need to do this, he needs to think about what he did. I'm sorry Kenny...

"..." he turns around and walks out the door.

Kate stands up and puts a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and hug her. I needed comfort. It didn't matter who it was from.


At night I get about 6 calls from Karen. I love Karen but I can't talk to her right now. Too much is happening. I think I'll skip school on Monday, I need a couple days to myself...


On Tuesday after school Clyde and I go to the park to plant trees. It's relaxing and helps keep my mind off Kenny. He is probably at the shelter with Nicole right now. Maybe he's moving on and hooking up with her...

I should stop thinking about it.

"You almost done over there?" Clyde calls out.

"Yep! Is this the last one?"

"It is, we should be all set."

We clean our hands and get some water, it was pretty exhausting.

"Marjorine? Do you want to come with me and a couple others for dinner? We're gonna celebrate completing the projects."

"Thanks for offering but I'm not really feeling up to social gatherings right now. I think I'll just head home."

"Okay, good work today."

"You too."


Kenny and I haven't spoken since Saturday. I miss him so much... but I'm still mad, I just can't stop this feeling of anger inside me. I don't like the feeling of being controlled. It reminds me of when I got grounded for every little thing when I was a kid.

It's been five days. I went from talking to him every chance I got to not talking to him at all.


I spend my Saturday morning alone, working on homework.

I get a call from Karen again. I haven't spoken to her much over the past week...


"Marjorine! You answered!"

"Yeah. Sorry for being MIA all week. What's up?"

"It's about Kenny."

"We aren't together right now."

"I know... but I really don't know who else to call... he needs help and I can't do anything..."

I sigh, "Whats the issue?"

"He's sick. I think he got it from the shelter. He has had a fever for almost 12 hours..."

"That isn't good..."

"No, it's not. We don't have any medicine and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I know you're really mad at him right now but he needs help, I need help. Please, Marjorine..."

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