Book 2 Chapter 49

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Kenny's body grinds against mine as he continues his attempt to give me a hickey. The feeling is so tingly. I can't tell if that's because I'm turned on or because I'm drunk. Maybe both.

He pulls his mouth away and sits up to admire his work. "There we go..."

"Is it good?"

"Yeah." He traces a finger over the mark.

Both of us jump slightly when my phone begins to buzz. Who could be calling me at 8pm?

I pick my phone up from the night stand and try to see who is calling. It's my mother.

"Uh oh..." I sit up.

"What?" Kenny tumbles onto the bed.

"My mom is calling."

"Oh shit."

I reluctantly answer the phone. "This is Marjooriieenee. How can I help you today?"

"Marjorine? Is everything alright? You sound off."

"No momma I'm good!"

"Okay. I have some news to tell you."

"I am listening!"

Kenny snickers.

"Your father and I recently bought a few lottery tickets... Marjorine, we won the jackpot!"


"I talked to your father and he says that if you come to talk with him we would be willing to give our daughter a third of the money. That's two million dollars!"

"... huh???"

"It's late now, but I'll text you a time we can all meet tomorrow at Tweek Bros Coffee. Goodnight sweetie!"

"Night momma!"

She hangs up and I look at Kenny.

"What? What was the call about?" Kenny asks as he falls to his side on the bed.

"Something about winning the lottery. I think I'm like- mega rich now."

Kenny laughs. "Woohoo!!! Riches!!!"

"Hell yeah! I'm gonna buy the woooorld!"

"I'll drink to that!" Kenny stumbles over to where we left the alcohol and brings the bottle over. He takes a sip and passes it to me.

I gulp down as much as I can before I start to feel sick. I give a satisfied exhale. "Ahh! Yeahhh you know what, Keeennnyyyy?"

He smiles at me and lays his head in my lap. "What?"

"I think... I'm deee-runk."

He laughs. "Me too!"

He quickly sits up and kisses me sloppily.

"I'm gonna buy a biig house for you me and Karen to live in with lots of food and electronics!"

"Sound proof walls?"

I wrap my arms around him. "Obviously."

He tackles me on the bed and starts kissing down my body, making me giggle.


"Ugh..." I slowly open my eyes to the bright sun. My head is pounding right now.

I am in my bed with Kenny. I remember he came over to drink but after a while my memory is foggy.

"Mmmm..." Kenny sits up slowly and puts his palm to his head, his hand tangling in his blonde bed head. "Fuuuck..."

He must be feeling it too.

I shove my face into my pillow and groan.

"You okay, Mar?" Kenny rubs my back.

"Yeah... just hungover..."

"Me too."

We both get glasses of water and sit on the couch together.

"It's a mess in here..." Kenny looks at the wreck we made of my apartment.

"Yeah... what the fuck happened last night?"

"I don't know..."

"I feel like I'm missing something important..."

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