Chapter 67

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Our pictures are adorable. Kenny is super photogenic.

I reach into my small purse and pull out a napkin to give to Kenny.

"What's this for?"

"You kissed me and I'm wearing red lipstick, remember?"

"Oh right."

He cleans off his mouth as I reapply my lipstick. Then he takes my arm and we head inside.

The first people to talk to us are Nicole and Tolkien. They got back together and I guess it all worked out. They both have a lot of money, so of course they look like gold. Especially Nicole. She looks like a model in her dress. She's wearing a purple dress with sparkly purple lipstick to match.

Nicole's outfit:

Tolkien's outfit:

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Tolkien's outfit:

Nicole smiled and waved at us

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Nicole smiled and waved at us. Her nails are long and purple, probably fake nails. I've always wanted to try those.

"Hey! Ken doll!"

Ken doll?

"Nicki! What's up, how've you been?"


"Good! Thanks again for taking on the project alone, that must've been rough."

He shrugs and smiles, "yeah, it was. But it's all done so no need to worry about it."

"By the way, Marjorine, you look spectacular! That dress is so adorable!"

I force a smile, "Thanks."

I tug gently on the back of Kenny's jacket to signal I want to leave.

"Well, Tolkien, Nicole. Me and Mar are gonna head to the floor. Have a good prom!"

"You too! Hugs and kisses!"

Hugs and kisses?! I don't like her.

Kenny and I go to the dance floor. Pop music I haven't heard since middle school is playing. It kinda sucks but at least everyone knows it. The main group of girls are huddled together singing the songs as loud as they can. Kenny and I just kinda stand on the side. Neither of us are really dancers...

The DJ pauses the music and gets on the microphone. "Next up is our slow dance. Get with that lucky lady or guy and head to the dance floor!"

Kenny holds out his hand and raises his eyebrows in question. I nod and take his hand and we go to the dance floor. There's about 10 couples that came up, one of which was Karen and Kate.

The song starts. Me and Kenny start to laugh. It's careless whisper.

We do our best to try and slow dance but neither of us know how and we are both busy snickering to each other.

Once the song ends Kenny pulls me to the corner and breaks down laughing. I join him.

Kenny looks up and wipes a tear from his eye, "Oh man... I can't believe they played that for the slow dance. Does the DJ even know how memed that shit is?"

"Ha... I don't know, that was the best slow dance I could've asked for at least."

He kisses my forehead, "Me too. I'm gonna go grab some drinks. You want a water?"

"That would be great. I'm gonna rest for a bit, my feet are starting to hurt."

"Alright. I'll be right back."

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