Alternate Ending: Neverseen 77-78

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Chapter 77:

" you want to come over, then?" she asked, fidgeting with the necklace he'd given her. "I thought I might try to make starkflower stew to give to Calla's tree--and I know that sounds super exciting, could make fun of me. And then you could stay for dinner, and--"

"Foster, you don't have to take care of me."

"Maybe I just like you," she said--then realized how that sounded. "I'm just...worried about you."

Keefe stepped closer. "I know. It's one of the things I like about you."

Her stomach filled with fluttering things, which flittered around even more when she noticed how close they were now standing. The toes of their boots were almost touching, and his breath felt warm on her cheeks.

Someone cleared their throat, reminding them they weren't alone. When Sophie turned, she found Grady glaring and Edaline smiling that goofy smile again. She couldn't decide which was worse.

"We're heading home--" Grady started.

"But you don't have to leave with us," Edaline finished. "just make sure you let us know where you are if you decide to go somewhere."

Grady started to say something else, but Edaline created a path of light and whisked him away.

"That was weird," Sophie mumbled, sure her face was bright red.

"Yeah," Keefe said, his cheeks flushed too--but that was probably from the freezing wind.

But then Keefe brought a hand up to tuck Sophie's hair behind her ear, leaving his fingers softly against her cheek. "I need to go..." But he made no further effort to move.

Sophie's heart started pounding as she looked up at Keefe. What was he doing? Why was the touch of his hand making her feel so fluttery? And why was he looking at her like that? He looked conflicted, almost like he was in pain.

"What's wrong?" she managed to ask.

Keefe smiled sadly.  "I want to tell you something but...the timing is very, very bad."

"Keefe, you can tell me anything. Always."

"Sophie..." he sounded like he could barely choke out the word.

"You're using my first name?"

Keefe's eyes left hers and flicked down to the necklace he'd given her. "You really like it?"

"I love it. It might be the best gift I've ever gotten."

Keefe took a shaky breath. "I really need to go..."

"Go where?" Sophie wished he would move his hand from her face—she couldn't think straight with him that close.

But for some reason, she also really wanted to lean into it.

"Keefe, something's wrong. Can't you tell me?"

Keefe shook his head. "It's nothing. I just need to get out of here. But..." he looked like he was thinking fast and his breathing had picked up. "Please don't hate me for this. I just...want to know what it would be like. Just once."

Sophie was about to ask what he was talking about, but before she could, he was bringing his other hand up to her face, eyes flickering between her eyes and her lips.

She realized what was happening a split second before it did.

Keefe lowered his face--already so close--to hers and kissed her.

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