Nightfall 29 (Keefe POV)

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A/N: I'm not tagging anyone in this because I've had several requests for this chapter, and I would inevitably forget someone. But just know if you're one of the ones who asked for this POV--this one's for you!

Foster's emotions were a conflicted storm of worry, panic and determination from the moment they boarded Lady Cadence's houseboat. But...Keefe couldn't really blame her for that. A lot was riding on this meeting with King Dimitar.

Her parents' lives.

Captured by the Neverseen.

While Keefe had been staying with them, convinced he was tearing them apart from the inside.

Instead, they were planning the attack on the Peace Summit--which almost killed her--and kidnapping her human parents for torture and experimentation.

He was still waiting for the moment when Foster would decide that enough was enough and cut him completely out of her life.

He deserved it. Deserved her hatred.

But instead, he kept being met with forgiveness, and loyalty, and her genuine desire to hold on to him.

The fact that he wanted so much more than mere friendship was beside the point.

Especially today, when she was about to have to face the ogre king--the same one who had once threatened to drag her away to Ravagog as nothing more than a slave--the same one whose city she had recently helped flood--all because Keefe failed to figure out what was happening right under his nose.

He already had a plan forming in his mind after reading through Lady Cadence's documents that Alvar had hidden away in his apartment. So then when both Sandor and Grady threatened Keefe with creative and severe punishment if Sophie came back harmed...he knew he would have to follow through. He would keep her safe.

All of this was weighing heavy on his mind as he heard Lady Cadence call out, "everyone ready?" right before stomping down on a lever that pulled the boat's anchor out of the water, allowing the giant pannoniasaurus to drag the boat forward.

Keefe had not been prepared for that and fell forward, only being spared from face-planting onto the deck by...



"Whoa, you're catching me?" he couldn't help but ask when she grabbed his arm just in time.

"I know--what's happening to the universe?" she asked in agreement as the boat lurched and she caught him again.

He saw it--experienced it firsthand--yet somehow, he didn't really believe it.

He followed Blur's advice and clung to the rail, but it was a very bumpy ride and they were being pelted with cold water as it sprayed over the deck.

His stomach was not a fan.

He hadn't really prepared for this.

How could he stand tall and proud before King Dimitar if he felt like this?

He was barely aware of the world around him until Foster scooted closer to him.

Apparently she didn't feel the need to cling to the railing like a loser.

"You okay?" she asked, her voice annoyingly--and of course, adorably--steady.

"Oh yeah, never better," he barely managed to croak out.

"He needs some of this," Lady Cadence said, tossing him a vial with some opaque liquid inside. "It helps with seasickness."

Blur took one as well and commented on how strong it was.

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