Vacker (Della POV)

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A/N: can't remember who it was, but someone requested an Alden & Della one-shot, so here it is!

It was kind of intimidating at first.

Alden Vacker had been at the top of Della's list, but their paths hadn't crossed before.

But then, she'd picked up her list when she graduated Foxfire, and of course she knew all about the Vacker family, but Alden was older than her, so they obviously hadn't met at school.

Growing up with parents in the Nobility, no one was surprised when she entered the Nobility herself.

So she hadn't thought that much of seeing a Vacker on her match list.

A lot of the other elves on her list were names she'd known from school. Particularly the ones that came to her Winnowing Gala. She was already friends with most of them, and knew that she wasn't interested in them.

But Alden was there.

And apart from being quite good-looking, he was...steady and kind and even pretty funny.

And she could easily forget that he was a Vacker. He was just...Alden.

Incredibly charming, with the famous teal Vacker eyes and crisp accent, but without any of the pomp and arrogance that some attributed to the Vacker name. He came from an important family, but he didn't seem to care or even notice.

There was even a bit of a rebellious streak in him. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, because he wasn't a troublemaker, but he gave the impression that he would always do what he believed to be the right thing--the ethical thing--regardless of what the Council said.

But...what were the odds of that ever being a problem?

All she knew was that the more time she spent with him, the more she felt she was falling in love.

And Alden didn't intimidate her, nor did his family themselves.

But the eyes of society watching their every move...that was sort of intimidating.

But she knew Alden was worth it.

So when he was the easiest "yes" she'd ever given. She did feel compelled, however, to ask him about his previous engagement.

He just snorted. "Alina was...a mistake. I started seeing her because she was high on my list, and a very smart and capable person, but...well before our wedding, I realized that we were not compatible. She was...oddly clingy. And not in a good way. I want us to be close, and to depend on each other and to want to be around one another...but I want it to be because we love each other and enjoy each other's company. Not because one of us is mistrustful and possessive of the other, if that makes sense."

Della nodded, taking that in. "I think that makes sense. As long as you don't change your mind about me too."

"There's no chance of that," he assured her, taking her hand. "I've never felt like this before, Della. It's life was fulfilling before, my career was enough. I wasn't in a hurry to pick up another list, though I knew I'd like to marry eventually. It's why I waited so long before picking up my next list. But now that I've met you, I feel like life will never be as good as it could be unless I'm spending it with you."

Which, of course, was the perfect answer.

So they announced their engagement. Of course, everyone she knew was very pleased for them both. She even heard some of her friends giggling and muttering under their breath, "Alden and Della...can you imagine how beautiful their child will be?!"

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