Explanations (4 of 4)

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It wasn't an accusation. It wasn't a question. It was simply a statement.

Sophie angled herself to look him directly in the eyes.

"Yes and no," she told him. "I care about him—and I liked him for so long, so I guess that is hard to completely forget, but...I don't want to be with him. Regardless of matchmaking, regardless of all the fights we've had. He's not the one I want."

Keefe smirked. "I know, Foster. Your emotions don't lie. It was very distinct when we were in the Healing Center together. It's like everything completely switched. You care about him and are worried about him. And he's special, important to you. And there was sadness, but...I felt absolutely no regret from you."

"That's because there are no regrets."

Keefe leaned in so close she could see the flecks of darker blue in his ice blue eyes. "I know, Sophie. I didn't say that to make it sound like I was jealous or upset. I said it so you would know that I'm aware of it. And I don't blame you. And that I know it doesn't mean anything. Your feelings for him feel so different than they did even a few weeks ago. I can feel how much they're changing. I just figured we needed to talk about it. I know we've kept things from each other in the past, usually to protect each other, but...now that we're together..." he smiled softly at her, "I don't want to risk anything that could get in the way and mess things up."

"Neither do I." Sophie could feel her heart swell. She'd been so right when she'd thought about what a good boyfriend he'd be.

"So I just thought you should know," he continued, "that I know a part of you still likes him a little, but that I also know that part is getting smaller and smaller. And that for whatever reason, even with those feelings still there, you chose me. Even with all the stupid and crazy things I've done, all the times I've put you in danger, you still chose me."

"I did," she agreed. "And there will be no changing back. It's you, it's always been you."

He smiled. "Trust me, it's always been you for me, too."

Sophie knew that now, but hadn't known it until recently. Which meant every flutter she'd felt for Fitz, every moment between them that Keefe had to witness—those had caused him pain.

As if his life hadn't been hard enough without her adding to the pain.

Keefe reached out and pressed a finger between her brows. "You're getting that cute little worse crease again," he murmured. "Please tell me why." His hand came to rest on her cheek and she leaned into it, closing her eyes for a moment.

"I've just been thinking about all the pain I caused you," she admitted quietly as he moved his hand from her face only to take her hand, twining their fingers together. "I didn't catch it at the time, but in hindsight, it's ridiculously obvious. You know how it is with a photographic memory. I can perfectly recall how hurt you looked when you came to tell me you knew about me and Fitz. And I felt so conflicted. Any time the topic came up with you around, I felt confused and embarrassed and unsettled. Which meant you could feel it too."

Keefe nodded. "And I understood why much better than you did. But don't feel bad about it, Foster. It's okay." He squeezed her hand. "More than okay, now."

"Even though you could feel just how conflicted I was, and yet somehow wouldn't let myself understand what it meant?" She sighed. "I was just...too dense to see it."

"Not dense," Keefe disagreed. "Just...confused. What I'd love to know is what changed while I was gone."

Sophie launched into an explanation of the heart-to-heart she'd had with Ro—Keefe interrupting her in disbelief when she told him she'd convinced herself Keefe hadn't been confessing feelings for her until Ro forced her to accept it—and the path that had set her on.

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