Alternate Ending: Unlocked (Keefe POV)

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A/N: This is an alternate ending to the telepathic conversation Sophie and Keefe had in Unlocked after he'd gone to stay with Elwin. For this one-shot, we are assuming that the timeline stretches a little, allowing some free time for Sophie and Keefe before she ends up burning down the Neverseen's storehouse.

Keefe's mind filled with what might've been the cutest thing he'd ever seen--Foster leaning against the Panakes's trunk with Wynn's head resting in her lap and Luna lying on her back beside her, getting a major belly rub. Flowers drifted all around them, and the sky was that perfect dusky purple, with tiny stars just starting to break through.

Wish I was there, he told her, hoping it wasn't too sappy of a thing to admit.

Sophie's reply was a soft, sweet whisper. Me too.

For a second, Keefe could imagine himself right there beside her, with her head resting gently on his shoulder--but he shoved that thought away as fast as he could, hoping she didn't notice.

But she did.

Whoa. That looks...cozy.

Keefe winced. His mental images must be too strong for her to ignore. Usually the thoughts in the back of his mind were safe, but he must've had that particular image too bold and big and bright for her to miss.

Well...he said, trying to figure out how to keep his dignity. You're getting all the good snuggles over there, meanwhile I'm stuck here with a bodyguard who keeps trying to trick me or goad me into talking.

And my head on your shoulder? she asked.

What can I say? We look cute together. Keefe was banking on her general obliviousness to keep her from seeing the absolute truth and conviction behind his teasing words.

You could come over, you know.

She was quiet as Keefe thought about it.

He could go over there.

Her emotions were going to be strong, but maybe if it was just her...

And they could talk this way. He wouldn't have to use his voice.

But, he really was worn out, and he knew she was too.

I think I'll have to pass for tonight, we both need sleep. I know Elwin wants to see if he can help me, but maybe I can find time to come over tomorrow? You can tell Glitter Butt and her sparkly babies to expect a visit from their very favorite person tomorrow.

That sounds perfect. Thank you for this. I feel so much better. Maybe I can actually sleep tonight.

I hope you do. Sweet dreams, Foster.

The next morning was an absolute nightmare.

As soon the Dizznees left, Keefe told Elwin--via writing on a blank page in his notebook, because no way was he using his voice--that he'd promised he'd go see Foster and make up for hurting her feelings that day in the Healing Center.

He already felt like this might be the last time he would ever see her.

Elwin rolled his eyes at Keefe's insistence on writing instead of talking, but all the same, gave him a crystal that would leap him back to Splendor Plains so he wouldn't have to call down a crystal on the Leapmaster.

And Foster was waiting for him. They sat under the Panakes--just the two of them, as the alicorn babies were napping--and Keefe filled her in on the morning's events.

She wasn't an Empath, but she was still able to pick up on how desperate, dejected, and terrified he was.

It's all going to be okay, Keefe, she insisted, reaching for his hand.

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